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A disdainful chuckle echoed in the room as the malevolent entity contemplated the very existence of those self-proclaimed guardians with an air of skepticism. "Do they truly believe they can defy me?" they pondered, a subtle mockery infusing their tone. "It hardly matters; their presence holds no sway in the tapestry of my crafted plans. I will destroy each of them, leaving no room for their feeble attempts to protect this inconsequential world they so desperately strive to protect."

Confidence exuded from their every word as they devised strategies to obliterate any potential opposition. "These eight," they sneered with a sinister delight, reveling in the impending challenge, "will soon find themselves utterly powerless against the unstoppable tide of my ambitions. Their futile efforts to obstruct my path will only expedite their inevitable downfall."

Bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight filtering through the grand window, the sinister figure stood with eyes aglow like molten silver, their gaze fixated on the tranquil world below. With hands tightly clasped on the windowsill, each tick of the clock resonated ominously in the room, punctuating the stillness with a sense of impending doom.

The sands of time were slipping away ominously. If they didn't find each other soon, the world will crumble before they could even take the first step. The fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and the window of opportunity was narrowing with each passing heartbeat.

"I will avenge what they stole, father. I will bring it back."

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