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The fox hybrid had no idea he would get into trouble just for assisting his packmate. He certainly didn't anticipate being chastised like a small child in the principal's office, especially considering it's nearly the end of his university years. But, perhaps he should have expected it, given that trouble often seemed to follow his tiger hybrid companion.

"Sir—" His attempt to express his thoughts was promptly interrupted; mint surged, coiling and sharpening in its intensity, the fluffy red tail almost bristling with annoyance, and ears flickering with anger. The principal should be glad that he was a human rather than a hybrid or the sharp mint would have made his nose prickle and eyes water.

"Park Jimin, you know better than to talk back when I'm addressing you."

The striped tail curled around his ankle, the soft fur trying to calm him down, reminding him that he was there, berries trying to soothe him and coax his mintiness to soften. Jimin took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the saccharine sweetness of berries and strong mint, the whole office almost covered with their mixed scent and something else.

Finally, he reached his breaking point and snapped, "With all due respect, sir, you haven't witnessed the entirety of the scenario that just unfolded here." His brown eyes bore into the elder man's gaze, filled with intensity and frustration.

"I had seen enough."

A deep voice rumbled, berries thickening and flaring, pulsing out heavily, dominant pheromones seeping into the air, detectable even by the dulled sense of smell of humans. He observed how the man straightened up, his feet slipping closer, his back no longer slouching. The other humans in the room—university students whom Jimin wanted to sink his fangs into, the kind he detested, bullies and harassers—cowered in the corner, a whimper slipping out from one of their mouths.

"What you witnessed were two predator hybrids pinning the students, their hands secured behind their backs, and their fangs bared. You assumed we were attempting to harm the students, but in reality, it was quite the opposite. These so-called adults were harassing a hybrid student." The tiger hybrid spits out the truth, his lips curling into a small snarl as his long black hair covers his eyes, adding to the intimidation; fangs peeking out, sharp and ready to bite, to draw blood. "Pathetic."

The principal turned to the other students, his face contorted in a harsh glare, and asked, "Is this true?"

"Sir they are lying—"

A growl slipped out of his mouth, mint intensifying and fluctuating rapidly, poofy tail bristling, standing up straight, swishing threateningly.

"Weren't you the one who said, 'Pretty prey hybrids like you are nothing but mindless, dumb animals that need to be bred over and over again'?" He snarled, his voice deepening. "Don't even try to lie. I can smell it from miles away, quite literally, if I may add."

"Park Suho!" The principal's face burned with anger as he glared at the blonde-haired student. "You're an adult; start behaving like one. Harassing a fellow student and resorting to derogatory terms only highlights your immaturity. I'll be contacting all of your parents to inform them about your unacceptable actions. There's no escaping the consequences that await you. You're suspended for two weeks, and you'll have detention for the remainder of the year. Should you attempt anything further, expulsion will be inevitable. Every hybrid is entitled to equal treatment, and I hope you'll bear that in mind."

He turned toward the poor squirrel hybrid, the fragrance of sweet, honeyed apples transforming from pleasant to sharp, sour, and foetid in the aftermath of the incident. His tail lay flat on the ground, devoid of its usual lively swaying, and the once vibrant aura surrounding him had dimmed.

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