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The atmosphere resonated with a gentle hum, harmonising with the soft rays of the sun filtering through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow upon the sleek marble of the kitchen cabinets. A melodious voice, dripping in the saccharine sweetness of honey, thick and luxurious filled the air. The room was accompanied by the rhythmic flapping of black feathers, as a figure moved gracefully about.

Clad in an apron, his hands skillfully worked the dough, each movement a dance of precision, showcasing the flexing and contracting muscles in his forearms.

The delicate aroma of vanilla filled the room, its sweet fragrance swirling gently as a contented smile graced his lips. His eyes sparkled with pride as he pulled the freshly baked goods from the oven, each one a masterpiece of golden perfection. Vanilla-infused croissants paired with a steaming latte promised a morning of pure indulgence, a heavenly start to the day.

Amidst the comforting aroma of freshly baked croissants wafting through the air, he emerged from the shower, his hair still damp and tousled, yet undeniably striking. As he prepared to indulge in his morning meal, the tranquil ambiance was abruptly shattered by the insistent ringtone of his phone, slicing through the serene stillness like a shard of glass.

"Had to call me early in the morning, Yeojun?" He remarked with a wry smile, cradling the warmth of his latte in his hands. Each sip brought a slight burn, but it was a comforting sensation, like a familiar friend wrapping around his throat. The bitterness of the coffee seemed to match his own outlook on life - a blend of harsh realities tempered with moments of sweetness.

"They moved up your shift by an hour, Seokjin hyung. You need to reach here by 1 pm. The supervisor told me to inform you." Yeojun chirped through the phone, his voice laced with amusement.

Seokjin's gaze shifted to the clock, noting the time with a slight furrow of his brow. "Seems I've got a couple of hours to spare for some grocery shopping," he remarked with a faint smile. "I'll catch up with you later, Jun."

"Soobin says hi, by the way."

"Give my regards as well," he murmured into the phone before ending the call with an exhale. Sliding the last morsel of food into his mouth with haste, he swallowed quickly. Hastening back to this room, the sound of his wings, a symphony of rustling and flapping, accompanied his every step, their majestic span tucking neatly against his back in a display of practised grace.

With determination in his stride, he swiftly exited his residence—a big house that sort of looks like a mansion—and made a beeline for the garage. There, he inserted the keys into the ignition of his Mini Countryman, the engine roaring to life as he sped off towards the nearest supermarket.

Amidst the bustling aisles of the ramen section, Seokjin found himself inadvertently colliding with a stranger. "Oof! Sorry," he exclaimed, quick to offer apologies. The individual he had bumped into, sporting a head of white hair and spotted animal ears, responded with a mild curse before dismissing the incident with a forgiving heart-smile, their eyes radiating warmth despite the accidental encounter.

"No worries," he chimed, his voice brimming with vitality, "I should have been looking at where I was going." His upbeat tone and radiant smile left Seokjin marvelling at the sheer abundance of positivity exuding from the hybrid.

With a gentle smile, he reciprocated, the corners of his rosy lips curling upwards. "I should have been more observant as well. Have a pleasant day." Stepping forward, he caught the faint murmur of a 'you too' from the snow leopard, drowned out by the bustling clamour of the surrounding crowd, a slight scent of nutty caramel lingering at his nose.

Seokjin couldn't quite pinpoint the reason, but there was an inexplicable lightness in his heart, as if the day were somehow incomplete without it. It was a sensation both unfamiliar and strangely comforting, like a gentle breeze on a sweltering day.

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