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As the training session reached its conclusion, the snow leopard, with a gleaming expression of happiness, addressed his attentive students. His vibrant demeanour reflected the joy of the session, his tail expressing excitement with each swish, and his ears perked up in anticipation."You guys did a wonderful job today! We'll continue practising the dance tomorrow. Get some rest, freshen yourself up and get rid of the sweat you all worked up in the last two hours."

The rich aroma of rich nutty caramel emanated from him, enveloping the air with its intoxicating allure. It pulsed out strongly, yet remained soft and light, weaving its way through the surrounding scents. His instincts swirled with satisfaction, revelling in the sight of weary yet contented faces.

"Thank you, Mr. Jung! We'll see you tomorrow," one of his students exclaimed, the excitement evident in her voice as she waved enthusiastically before joining her friends. Hoseok returned her wave with equal enthusiasm, his grin widening as he watched them chatter animatedly while heading out.

As he began to pack up his belongings—stereos, towels, and his water bottle—the snow leopard noticed the familiar sound of footsteps behind him, his ears twitching. The sweet scent of cotton candy drifted through the air, a telltale sign that it was Kai, his favourite bunny hybrid, approaching.

"Hey, Kai!" Hoseok greeted, glancing over his shoulder with a grin as he zipped up his bag. "Great session today, huh?" He moved to join Kai, adjusting the strap of his bag over his shoulder.

"Amazing as ever, Hoseokie hyung." He exclaimed, his enthusiasm visible. With his white bunny ears bouncing in excitement, his adorable nose crinkled, and a wide, toothy grin lighting up his face, he couldn't contain his admiration.

Although the snow leopard knew that the bunny hybrid always was happy-to-go person, he couldn't understand why there was an extra bounce in his steps. Even his cotton scent was exceptionally light today. Sweet and content. Settled and soothed.

A deep rumble emanated from within him, resonating like a comforting melody, as his instincts responded to the sight of his friend's evident happiness. "What's got you so thrilled, bun?" he inquired, draping an arm around the younger one's shoulders. His fingers instinctively sought out the scent gland, gently massaging it to coax forth more of the sweet, familiar fragrance. "You're positively brimming with excitement today."

Kai's ears perked up, still groomed and glossy even after the rigorous dance class. "You won't believe it, hyungie!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement. "My hyungs finally let me take part in organising the charity event!"

"Isn't it the one you have been chattering my ears off about for the past few days?" he inquired, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he glanced at his dongsaeng. The younger one responded with an enthusiastic nod, his ears playfully flopping to the side in agreement, his scent bursting out richer, sweeter, happier than before. "I am proud of you, bun. When is it?"

"Tonight, hyung and I want to invite you." The snow leopard's eyes widened, dumbfounded, caramel scent sputtering out in confusion.

"Should have asked days ago, bun. Would have had something to prepare for it." Hoseok chided gently, his tone carrying a hint of admonishment. The bunny ears atop the younger's head wilted in response, a faint whine escaping his lips, the cotton scent becoming distressed, decaying sweet, heavy on the mouth.

"Sorry hyung. Does that mean you are not coming?"

"No, bun. Just frantic searching for clothes. I don't have anything good to wear for the event."

Kai's ears perked up again, scent turning lighter, white cottony tail twitching. "You'll look good in anything, hyung," he chimed in, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You can bring Namjoonie hyung too! I'm sure he would appreciate a break from being cooped up for days, buried under a mountain of college papers."

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