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The wolf hybrid growled softly, frustration bubbling within him as he stared at the jumbled mess of equations on his paper. "Why can't it just work out the way I want it to?" he muttered under his breath, resisting the urge to tear his hair out in frustration.

Whose brilliant idea was it to come up with these kinds of questions? Sometimes, dealing with Mechanical physics made him feel like he wanted to bash Isaac Newton's head against the wall. It was easily his least favourite part of physics, well, except for the friction portion, and even then, it made him want to cry out in frustration. And rotational dynamics? Don't even get him started on that.

"Professor Kim?" The door received a gentle tap, a soft rhythm of knuckles against the intricately designed wooden panel adorned with golden swirls. The scent of peaches wafted through the bottom of the door, sweet and heady, carrying a distinct air of dominance. In the realm of his classroom, there was only one student known for this fragrance—a saccharine sweetness that clung thick and cloying in the air.

"Jinyoung, come in."

Namjoon began to clear his desk, stacking books and notebooks around him. "I can never keep this place organised," he muttered, reaching for a stray pen rolling across the surface.

The dog hybrid's head poked in, a nervous smile tugging at his lips. "Sorry to bother you, sir," he said, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"It's never a bother when a student wants to ask me something," His smile revealed his charming dimples, voice carrying a warmth; chocolate curling over the fruity scent, inviting it over. Encouraging and beckoning.

"I wanted to ask if we had a project to do. Exams just ended and well, our class needs a break. Other teachers aren't as kind as you are, so I was hoping we could delay the assignment." Peaches bloomed with hope, soft and light, tinged with nervousness. His tail gave him away, swishing nervously, ears flattened.

"Here's one thing we can do," Namjoon paused, reaching for a folder on the bookshelf behind him. "We didn't want to pile on the pressure right after the term exam, so the project will be more manageable with a longer duration. It won't have much of an impact on your report."

"How long?"

"Two months."

The reply brought silence from the pup in front of him, mouth agape and peaches sputtering out in confusion, tail standstill and ears twitching.


"Thank you, Professor. I believe my classmates might just throw a party in your honour," Jinyoung confesses, his cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. His endearing shyness is evident as his tail sways, and his wide, soft eyes express gratitude and admiration at the same time.

The wolf hybrid's chest rumbles with a deep, vibrating laugh, chocolate mocha thickening and enriching with each chuckle, dominant pheromones seeping in. His eyes shine with amusement as he flashes a fangy, dimpled grin, his tail thumping rhythmically on the ground.

"I look forward to it. Now, shoo. Your next class will start soon, and I need to deliver a lecture in another."

He steps into their shared apartment, a sigh escaping his lips as he draws in a deep breath, the familiar blend of nutty caramel and chocolate mocha enveloping him. Every corner of their home carries these comforting scents, a balm to his biological instincts. His ears perk up at the sound he recognizes, and his tail starts thumping against the floor eagerly. As his packmate comes into view, the weight of the chocolate in the air seems to settle even more, grounding him in the presence of his companion.

The snow hybrid practically tackled him to the ground, nosing eagerly at his scent gland, mouthing at it, lips slotting over the tissue, stimulating and coaxing his scent. Faint murmurs came from the other's lips, ears catching onto the words as Namjoon replied back, head tilting to give more surface, hands clasped at the elder's hips, shuddering at the pleasure humming through his body.

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