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The jaguar hybrid found himself unexpectedly caught up in a series of events that seemed to spiral out of control, much to his dismay. His plans for the day had been simple: a leisurely visit to the local music record store. Yet, fate had other ideas. It wasn't his fault, yet here he was, entangled in a situation he hadn't bargained for.

It started with the coffee machine inexplicably malfunctioning, leaving him feeling irritable and on edge. Then, as if fate had decided to play a cruel joke, he slipped in the bathroom, resulting in a painful bruise on his forearm that throbbed with each movement.

To cap it all off, a seemingly routine trip to the store spiralled into chaos, landing him in the most unexpected of places: the local police station. There, amidst the fluorescent-lit room, he found himself contending with a vexatious human, accompanied by an unusual pair of mother-daughter cat hybrids who seemed to express their displeasure through a series of hisses. Amidst the commotion, a flustered police officer attempted to maintain order but faltered, his attempts at communication marred by a noticeable stutter.

"Excuse me, sir, may I inquire whether you are reconsidering withdrawing the complaints? It appears, based on my observations, that you may have been the one violating traffic regulations." The human officer inquired tentatively, his demeanour betraying a subtle desire to curry favour with the haughty woman. The jaguar's gaze narrowed, his posture assuming a defensive coil in response to the evident arrogance emanating from her. Though a snarl seemed poised to surface on his countenance, he managed to maintain a composed expression, suppressing any overt display of aggression. Liquid fire ran inside his veins, anger shimmering, waiting and building to unleash itself.

However, the aroma of sour citrus that wafted from him did explicitly reveal the tumultuous emotions swirling within. Beneath his exterior, an intense desire coursed through him, urging his claws to escape their confines and exact vengeance upon the prideful woman before him. The audacious notion that running over the hybrid child was a commendable idea had triggered a visceral response, a reaction bordering on primal instinct. It was only the swift intervention of his car, strategically positioned in front of hers, that prevented the near-execution of her reckless plan.

A distressed keene arose from the traumatised child, her mother gently shushing her, trying to evoke and release calming pheromones even if her scent was distressed. The black jaguar released the fresh scent of citrus, his pheromones soothing the child as her whimpers quieted, sniffing into her mothers clothes.

"Oh please, you can pull up the cams on the intersection and you can see that this absolute buffoon was about to run over the poor child." he implored, his eyes fixed with a dark intensity on the snooty woman as he gripped the edges of the office desk with fierce determination.

"Mr. Min..." The officer started before he was interrupted by the woman.

"Who are you calling a buffoon? If anyone should be one, it's you freaks. Dumb animals who have no brain." she retorted, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer that accentuated her already unattractive countenance.

"Now you are proving my point, lady." Yoongi shouldn't have even called her lady, seeing she was far from one. With how vile her scent was, no doubt if the officer was a hybrid, he would have recoiled from the stench. No matter how much makeup she caked on herself to look beautiful, her scent would make his nose burn.

With a grimace, Yoongi addressed the officer standing nearby, his voice dripping with disdain. "You see, officer, this is precisely the issue at hand." He paused, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features before he continued, his tone laced with defiance. "If you don't bring an unbiased officer who has a sense of right and wrong, I will find them myself."

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