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The stripey snow tiger wanted to do nothing but head to his dorm with his minty packmate and pin him down, lather his berry scent on him, claiming him in every way; wring out the moans and whimpers from the swollen, kiss-bitten lips, with purple, pink, and red blooming on the unmarked skin, indents of fangs imprinted on every inch of his skin, every scent gland overstimulated, swollen, and puffy, tasting the mint sputtering out and settling heavily on the tongue.

That kind of mood went down the drain when his friend was cornered by pathetic, no-good humans who didn't know, didn't understand how animals behave when they are at a dead end. Predator instincts flare and rise up, fangs bared and claws out, while the prey gets ready to run, to flee as their biology gears up, faster than what human eyes could see, more agile and graceful than what a human could just dream to achieve.

The squirrel hybrid might have been pained by the way the sweetness of the apples decayed, turning sour and tart, but that didn't mean that his biology and mind were torn between wanting to flee or fight his way out. He knew either option could elicit an undesirable, unfavourable reaction due to the strength and backup his opponents possessed. However, perhaps Park Suho had forgotten that while humans might consider themselves atop the food chain, if caught off guard by predators, they would be torn apart and devoured, fangs snapping and blood spilling—a scene of pure carnage.

And that is exactly what had happened.

Taehyung sprang into action, his fangs bared and the scent of berries thickening the air, heavy with dominant pheromones that seeped around him, strong and powerful. His presence made the nearest prey flinch, their tails swishing rapidly, chests heaving with fear, biology wanting to flee yet the mind knew he was safe, his anger not directed at them. He pinned the human to the wall, nearly smashing the cheeks of the human sidekick, locking his hands behind his back with a tight and unflinching grip.

His packmate's body pulsed with anger, every muscle coiled, fangs bared, his tail a fiery display of defiance, bristling with indignation; mint sharp and prickling, pheromones broadcasting the want, the need to clamp his canines into the jaws his friend's offender who had the audacity to insult, to degrade the squirrel hybrid, tarnishing the sweetness, leaving behind a sourness that begged to be avenged.

The struggle began when their minds finally caught up with the position they were in, thrashing and squirming, curses flowing from their mouths as they demanded to be released; tiger instinct growling and taunting, as if they had the right to free themselves rather than be treated like an animal.

"Shut up, before you lose your tongue." Jimin growled out, mint curling around strong, getting sharp in its intensity as they resisted more.

"Don't even think of escaping; you're in the grips of predators. It would hurt even more if you resist," Taehyung crooned, his voice deep and threatening, a lilt coating his words, promising pain and a chase. A hunt to traumatise them, to make them fear the hybrids, and to understand exactly what happens when an animal gets provoked.

"You can't hurt us."

They stopped moving, a tremble in the voice of the human held in his fox hybrid's grip.

"No, we can't but this can surely get you suspended with charges on your hand, stamped on your report, your background."

"My father is rich enough to bail me out and wipe my records clean." He spat, struggling in his grip again.

Jimin brought his mouth close to the human's ears, looking directly into Taehyung's eyes as if teasing and playing; mint seeping out, full of anger and mischief, dangling a treat right in front of the tiger hybrid, a coy smirk on his face. "Well, too bad we have a friend in the police, can you buy them if we have direct connections?"

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