Chapter 10: Johnny v Mike

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As Johnny is peacefully sleeping in his house a dark ominous setting is on the horizon. With the sounds of approaching voices and flashlights piercing the darkness outside, Johnny's instincts snapped him awake. He swiftly reached for a shotgun, a purchase made with a portion of his casino winnings. Gripping the firearm tightly, Johnny felt the weight of the situation pressing in on him.

Shattering glass from one of Johnny's windows echoed through Johnny's house, creating a moment of chaos and confusion. As the dust settled, the unexpected trio of Veloita, Hannah, and Chyann emerged through the broken glass, accompanied by the ever-vigilant Bulldawg.

Johnny, bewildered, exclaimed, "What the bloody hell are you lot doing here?" In response, Hannah explained that Bulldawg sensed trouble, prompting their swift arrival. Meanwhile, Sally waited patiently in her Porsche, accompanied by Mystic Mable.

Veloita, with her quirky powers, unintentionally made the shattered glass dance in mid-air, creating a sparkling spectacle.

Chyann, the voice of reason, rolled her eyes and said, "This is what happens when you fuck around Johnny." Hannah, with her bubbly energy, started singing a made-up song about broken windows and unexpected guests.

Bulldawg, ever the show-stealer, tried to fetch the floating glass shards, thinking they were some new kind of game. Veloita, amused by the canine antics, joined in, making the glass pirouette even more graceful.

As the glass-related antics escalated, Mystic Mable, observing from the Porsche, shouted, "Fortune tells me we've to get the fuck out of here" Sally, behind the wheel, Revved the Porsche.

Before the Porsche Could leave the scene with the group's adrenaline-hitting all-time highs, Mime man, surrounded by a group of thugs, stared at Johnny with a menacing intensity. The night air was filled with tension as Mime man's chilling proclamation echoed through the streets: "YOU'RE DEAD, MATE."
Johnny, still holding the shotgun, felt a shiver down his spine.

Amid the chaotic chase, with bikers hot on their trail, the group inside the Porsche found themselves in a heated argument about why Mime man, or rather Mike, wanted to kill Johnny. Johnny, his temper reaching new heights, bellowed, "I've had enough of this crap! Why the hell is that mime bloke after me?"

Hannah, attempting to mediate, explained, "Maybe it's about what happened in the courtroom. He might hold a grudge for some reason."

Sally, gripping the wheel with determination, added, "Well, we can't figure it out while being chased. Let's focus on losing these bikers first!"

As the Porsche swerved through the darkened streets, the bikers gaining ground, Chyann chimed in, "We need a plan! Johnny, do you have any idea why Mime Man is so mad?"

Johnny, visibly agitated, retorted, "How would I know? It's all a bunch of Fuckery! I've got no time for this."

The argument continued, adding to the chaos of the chase. Tensions flared, voices overlapped, and the Porsche's tires screeched as they navigated the narrow alleys. With each passing moment, the confrontation escalated, setting the stage for a climactic collision between the Porsche and an abandoned factory in the desolate part of town.

As the Porsche careened out of control, flipping and crashing with a cacophony of metal against concrete, Leslie, standing with a few Inferno members, narrowly avoided the chaotic wreckage by diving out of the way. With a mix of irritation and surprise, she exclaimed, "For fuck's sake, Jesus Christ, bastards! What in the Porsche heavens"

The group, disoriented and shaken from the crash, stumbled out of the overturned Porsche. Veloita, Hannah, Chyann, Sally, Mable, and Bulldawg, with no sight of Johnny, found themselves in the aftermath of the chaotic collision. Leslie, arms crossed with a stern expression, couldn't help but add another grumble, "This is why you don't bring chaos 'round my neighborhood."

Amidst the wreckage, Mike confronts the group, demanding to know Johnny's whereabouts. Veloita, trying to diffuse the tension, steps forward and says, "Look, we're all in this mess together. Let's figure out a way to help everyone, okay?"

Leslie, standing in the background, quips, "For fuck sake, Jesus Christ, bastards, Willy in my panties, can we sort this out without wrecking the whole damn town?"

In a sassy and explosive showdown, Chyann, Hannah, and Veloita Stand Before The Group that calls themselves: Inferno Riders

Hannah: *Firing pistols with undeniable precision, she taunts.* "Bang, bang, boys. Think you can handle a Southern belle with a killer aim?" Hannah does this with Bulldawg on her shoulder cheering her on.

Chyann: *Dancing through the chaos with her katana, she teases.* "Swing left, swing right – sorry, did you blink? You missed it."

Veloita: *Unleashing mysterious powers, she smirks.* "Ever seen a storm in human form? Brace yourselves, darlings. Chaos is my specialty."

As they gracefully dodge attacks and eliminate opponents with flair, the girls share knowing glances, a sisterhood unspoken yet deeply understood. The scene crescendos with a simultaneous takedown and the gang is left in awe of the trio's harmonious prowess – a true Charlie's Angels-inspired spectacle of feminine power.

As Johnny interrupts the fierce display of girl power, the atmosphere shifts. In a swift motion, he bolts in, barges Hannah to the ground, and snatches Bulldawg into his arms with an unsettling declaration.

Johnny sneers, "Don't worry, Bulldog. Daddy's home."

The unexpected intrusion leaves the trio stunned, and the gang members, recovering from their earlier defeat, exchange confused glances.

Johnny, fueled by anger and frustration, snaps back, "I don't give a damn about helping anyone. Where's that mime-faced lunatic?"

In the dimly lit wreckage scene, Johnny, fueled by anger, confronts Mike with a shotgun in hand. The few surviving bikers surrounding Mike eye Johnny warily, anticipating a chaotic showdown.

Mike, visibly furious, looks Johnny in the eyes and growls, "You've caused enough trouble, mate. This ends now."

Leslie, stepping forward, exclaims, "Oi, cut the crap, you two. We've got more pressing matters than your petty squabble."

Then BOOM! A deafening gunshot echoes through the wreckage as Johnny shoots Mike, who crumples to the ground. In a final dramatic display, Mike, true to his mime persona, performs a last mimed act to simulate his demise. The surrounding bikers respond with a hail of bullets towards Johnny, creating a chaotic scene.

Leslie, witnessing the demise of her son, experiences an overwhelming rush of grief. Her strong facade momentarily crumbles, revealing the depth of a mother's pain. As she falls to her knees beside Mike's lifeless body, her eyes brim with tears, mirroring the profound sorrow etched across her face. The loss of Mike leaves Leslie grappling with the weight of grief, and her emotional reaction resonates with the profound tragedy of the moment.

As the dust settles, Bulldawg, yelping in pain, runs towards Hannah, seeking comfort in her arms. The realization that Bulldawg got shot in the paw hits hard, and Hannah, visibly distressed, cradles him protectively.

In the aftermath of the chaotic showdown, Johnny lies lifeless on the ground, the repercussions of his actions reverberating through the shattered surroundings. The air is thick with tension and sorrow. With his dying breath, Johnny addresses the group, uttering a powerful farewell, expressing a mix of regret and longing. He shares a poignant goodbye with Bulldawg, whose whimper echoes the somber reality of their collective loss. The chapter concludes with an emotional and heavy atmosphere, marking the end of Johnny's Life.

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