Chapter 5: Training

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"Invisibilias," Harry murmured. Hermione frowned at him. "You're still not invisible. Why didn't you learn this spell earlier?" He sighed in frustration. "I don't know, Hermione, maybe it was because I had a cloak that could do it for me." He grit his teeth. "Invisibilias. Invisibilias. Invisibilias! INVISIBILIAS!" Hermione grabbed his arm. "Like this. Invisibilias," she whispered. She tapped herself and disappeared. Harry tried again and successfully disappeared. "Yes, I did it! Wait. What's the countercharm? Hermione?" Hermione rolled her eyes and muttered, "Apparcance." She appeared. Harry did the same. After getting back to normal, he flipped through the pages of the spellbook. "Harry, I think we should work on something else. We've been doing spells for a while already. We can look some more tomorrow." Hermione closed the book on his hand. He sighed. "Fine. Um..the edible plants station. Let's go there." They went to the station and studied books. Harry glanced at a plant. "We can eat that. That's Chickweed." Hermione studied the plant."Er, Harry? That's Water Hemlock. It's really poisonous. A small mouthful can kill an adult." Harry squinted at it. "Oh. Oh yeah, that is." The trainer at that station had a strained smile. "You should look carefully at each plant. If you are not absolutely sure that it is edible, then do not even think about trying it." They studied the plants and berries some more and then left. "Okay, so we need allies, like Miss Pulchra said. Let's split up. We'll cover more ground," Harry said. They went their separate ways. Hermione went to the climbing station and met Seraphina  Lansky. They talked a bit, but neither of them were really interested in being allies. Harry practiced with a sword and talked to all three Durmstrang tributes. He was careful about what he said, knowing that Durmstrang was known for the dark arts. Kingston seemed decent enough to be an ally, with respect to friends  and dangerous to foes. Monter seemed to be skilled with his wand and sword, but he was brash and couldn't control his temper. Inkaram said about two words the whole time and didn't so much as glance at them. By the end of the day, Harry and Hermione had confirmed that they were allies with Kingston and Luna. They had also learned that Hermione had a knack for archery and Harry was proficient at sword fighting. 

"So! For dessert, we have a chocolate cake, and when we are finished, we will discuss a few things in the sitting room." Miss Pulchra waved her wand and a lavishly decorated chocolate cake balanced on a porcelain tray floated into the room. The stylists oohed and aahed at it. Miss Pulchra smiled proudly, as if she had made it. "Finest chocolate exported from Switzerland was melted to make it. You see the chocolates at the top? The most expensive and delicious chocolates from Belgium." Big deal, Harry thought. They cared more about dessert than the lives of children. 

Once the cake was finished, Katie, Hermione, and Harry sat on a couch in the sitting room, across from Miss Pulchra and the stylists. She cleared her throat. "So. The Gamemakers would like all the mentors to tell their tributes a few things. First, when you enter the arena, every single tribute will be standing on a plate. You will stand on the plate for sixty seconds. As said before, you cannot step off the plate or you will be blown up. But further more, you cannot perform any kind of spell during that time or ,again, you will be blown up. And here are some more spells that aren't allowed. Well, you could perform them, but they won't work. Summoning charms. Tracking spells. Direction spells. You can levitate, but you will not be able to levitate so high that you'll be able to see the whole arena. And finally, do not attempt to obliterate the arena. You will be killed immediately." She smiled at them. They did nothing. "Well then. Since you all said that you would be trained separately, let's start with Harry and go from there. Let's talk in the office." Miss Pulchra gestured to him. Harry rose hesitantly and went into the office with her. 

"So. Harry. How did things go today? Any allies? Find any strengths?" Miss Pulchra sat in gray arm chair across from Harry, who was sitting in a chair that she called a ball chair. He shrugged. "Hermione, Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw, and Kingston Mahaylic from Durmstrang. I'm okay with a sword." She smiled. "Excellent! How about survival skills?" "Er...I'm okay. I can climb, the trainer clocked me at five minutes a mile, I can start a fire, set some traps. I need to work on edible plants and things." Miss Pulchra nodded. "Okay. Now, as for sponsors, I think you are pretty good on that part. You are the boy who lived, the chosen one, the one who defeated  You-Know-Who.  Many are already betting on you. All right. Now, let's talk about Miss Granger." Harry tensed immediately. If she was going to threaten Hermione... "What about her?" "She is also someone being bet on. People also know about her part in defeating You-Know-Who. Now, I know that you two are close and want to make it back together. I do not see a way out of this unless you play to the audience." "What do you mean?" "I mean, the audience wants a show. Now, if you two just happened to fall in love..." Miss Pulchra trailed off. Harry opened his mouth to protest, but she continued. "I know that you both have someone else; I saw that when you were picked, but that might be the only way." Harry was speechless. "I will talk to Hermione about it. But for now," she winked. "Think about it."


The next morning of training of training passed. After lunch, they would be reviewed by the Gamemakers to show their skills and be rated.  Harry and Hermione did not gain any more allies, and while they did nothing to provoke anyone, it was clear that most people thought of them as a threat. Finally, it was time for the tributes to be evaluated. All the tributes sat in a painted gray room. With no way out but a steel door and metal benches, it might as well have been a prison.  After finishing with the Ravenclaw tributes, Hermione was called. Then Katie. And finally, Harry. The steel door opened and Harry stepped into the Training Center. The head Gamemaker stood up. "You have ten minutes. Begin." He grabbed a sword. He started one of the fighting robots and began to fight. Within one minute, he defeated it and looked up at the Gamemakers on the ledge above him. They were watching him, halfheartedly, more focused on the food and Firewhiskey. Harry was furious. They didn't care. They didn't care. THEY DIDN'T CARE! He took out his wand and muttered. "Invisibilias." And he went on a rampage, destroying every robot, every dummy, every climbing rope, splattering the paint boxes for camouflage, hitting some arrows and snapping them, and finally, when the Training Center was no longer suitable for training he stopped. "Apparcance." He reappeared. The Gamemakers were all standing up, stunned. Harry looked up at them, and bowed deeply. "I apologize for taking two minutes longer than I should've." He threw the sword aside, pocketed his wand, and walked out of there with his head held high. 



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