Chapter 6

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"YOU WHAT?" Miss Pulchra towered over Harry, who sat on the couch, undaunted. "I destroyed the precious Training Center and apologized for taking a few extra minutes than I was supposed to. I told you this already. Are you sure you don't need a hearing aid?" Katie looked confused. "What's that?" Hermione explained to her the device that muggles needed. 

Miss Pulchra was fuming. Marina, Harry's stylist put a hand on her shoulder. "What's done is done. We cannot change it." Harry decided to push them a little further. "Actually, there are TimeTurners. Very helpful. I've used one, you know." Marina glared at him. Miss Pulchra was about to say more, but the screen-type thing appeared and the Garnet Pinstrup on it smiled at them. "Hello everyone. Thank you for tuning in to see the training scores of our daring tributes. They were scored by the Gamemakers who watched them during a private session, in which a tribute had the chance to show their skills. It is a score from zero to twelve, the better, the higher. Now, let's begin. From Ravenclaw: Seraphina Lansky, 5. Luna Lovegood, 7. Barnes Bell, 5. From Hufflepuff: Elizabeth Markson, 6. Jarold Fantz, 4. Erik Markson, 4. From Slytherin: Gregory Goyle, 9. Pansy Parkinson, 9. Quentin McVey, 7. From Gryffindor: Hermione Granger, 8." She grinned and Harry and Katie congratulated her. "Katie Bell, 7." Katie looked relieved. "Harry Potter, 10." Miss Pulchra looked surprised, as did the stylists. Hermione hugged him and Katie smiled at him. "From Beauxbatons," Garnet continued, "Chantal Madeux, 6. Aimee Roche, 7. Christelle DuPont, 6." So Beauxbatons wasn't that much of a threat, thought Harry. Unless they were faking it. The Durmstrang group seemed to be a threat. Kingston got a 9, Inkaram with a 10, and Monter with a 9. Finally, Garnet ended with his closing. "Well, that's all the news we have on our tributes! Tune in tomorrow night for the interviews with our mysterious tributes. Good night, wizards and witches!" Miss Pulchra stood up. "Well, that went well. Very good scores, everyone. Now, let's start with Harry again. For our talk, I mean." They went into the office. "Now, about what we talked about before." It took a moment for Harry to realize what she meant. Then he flushed when he understood. "Hermione is under full knowledge and understands that this may save your lives. More people will sponsor you, care more whether you two get home alive together. She does not want to , but will if you believe that you should, then she will go with it." Harry shook his head. "What about the others? My friend, Luna. Katie and her cousin. Elizabeth Markson and her brother. All the others here that I don't know." Miss Pulchra registered what he said. "Come. Let's take a breath of fresh air on the balcony. Bring your coat, it's windy."

The night was serene, full of shimmering stars in the pitch-black night with the wind slightly disturbing the tranquil scene. Harry leaned against the railing of the balcony, gazing over the city, waiting for Miss Pulchra to come out. "Thank you for waiting. Let's get down to business." Miss Pulchra was next to him. "What business?" Harry turned to her. "Any enchanted objects that can hear or see us have been ah...disabled. Here's the thing. I definitely do not agree with these  games . I do not understand why others agree with Remedy Malum and I will find a way to stop this." Harry looked stunned. "What?'re...what?" Miss Pulchra looked at him sternly. "Stop stuttering and listen. I'm on your side. So are many others. We will deal with Remedy and stop these games from happening again." "Again? So the games that are happening right now, you won't stop them? You won't stop the deaths that are going to happen?" Harry stared at her in disbelief. Miss Pulchra bit her lip. "It's for the greater good." The words hit Harry like a hurricane. The greater good. Grindelwald. Dumbledore.  "Oh, the greater good, huh? So I suppose this is for the greater good, just like what Grindelwald did!" He was yelling now. "Yeah, I see the benefits of this. You turn into a great hero because you let so many kids die. For the greater good! Well, maybe the greater good involves sacrificing your life, but that doesn't seem to be the best for you! What you should do is go right up to her and kill her! Oh, believe me, I'd sacrifice my life to do it, but I don't know where in the world she is and someone charmed my wand! Now what kind of evil person would do that?" Miss Pulchra wasn't fazed at all. "Keep this to yourself," she said sharply. "You and Hermione need to make it seem as if you are in a relationship. Good night." She turned away from him. Harry sensed his dismissal and left before he could say anything that would endanger more lives. 


"And now, let's give a round of applause of welcome to Harry Potter, the boy who lived!" Garnet Pinstrup stood up and shook Harry's hand when he walked on the stage and the crowd roared. Harry remembered what Miss Pulchra told him to do for his interview. He gave a half-smile to the audience. "So, Harry Potter. Now, everyone knows you. The chosen one, the boy who lived, and the boy who defeated You-Know-Who. So now, what did you get on your training score again? A ten? Very impressive," Garnet said. Harry leaned back in his sofa chair. "Well, defeating Voldemort does prepare you for a lot of things." He replied. Garnet laughed. "Ah well, I suppose it does. So now, do you have a special someone you're fighting for, hmm? A pretty girl?" Harry thought of Ginny immediately. Her long red hair, her fiery temper, her eyes piercing into him, her-. Stop, he commanded himself. He had to mention Hermione so that there was a greater chance that he would get back to her. He swallowed. "Erm...well," he hesitated, then muttered under his breath, "Hermione." Garnet raised his eyebrows. "Did I just hear you say Hermione? As in the lovely muggle-born who helped you defeat You-Know-Who? Hermione Granger?" Harry nodded. "My, my, my. And does Hermione feel the same way?" Harry's face was hot, but he continued anyway. "You'll have to ask her," he said, managing a wink. Then the buzzer rang and he and Garnet stood up and shook hands. "Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for Harry Potter." There was a loud groan in the crowd as Harry left the stage.. "But next, here we have, none other, than Hermione Granger!" Hermione walked on stage as Harry took his seat. Harry watched as Hermione giggled and explained about their relationship. She could be an actress in the muggle world if she wanted to, he thought. But he was mostly thinking about Ginny and Ron. What would their reactions be? Did they realize what was going on? Or were they both furious at them, hating them? Would he or Hermione ever get back home to explain themselves? Would they even survive to see another sunset?


"Marvelous job, you three!"Miss Pulchra smiled widely at Hermione, Harry, and Katie. As she went on and on about how their interviews would be easy enough to convince people to sponsor them, Harry considered what she had told him on the balcony yesterday. With her enthusiasm that she showed for the games, you wouldn't think that she was plotting anything. She covered up her tracks well. 

"Okay, now, one last thing. Your wands are confiscated until tomorrow. You will be given them before you enter the arena." Miss Pulchra held out her hand. After exchanging reluctant looks, the three of them handed over their wands. "Excellent! Now off to bed, off to bed. You'll need a good night's sleep." She left. The three tributes stood up and faced each other. They hugged and whispered, "Good luck" to each other. Then they went to their bedrooms. 

Harry lay on his bed. Amazingly comfortable, made with the softest material and plump pillows. But nevertheless, he was not going to get a good night's sleep. After two hours, his eyelids started to get slightly heavy. But just when he was going to fall asleep, the silent night was broken by a woman's piercing scream.




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