Chapter 8

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   Harry cleared his eyes. He whipped his head around. Trees. Nothing but trees and the glistening silver Cornucopia that stood in the middle of all the plates with the tributes on it. Supplies, everything you'd need out here. Food, water, tents, sleeping bags, weapons, armor, and backpacks, no doubt with more vital things. He heard an explosion to his left and looked. A plate, about 5 down, was smoking. When the smoke cleared, he gasped. Blood was splattered all around the plate, covering the two tributes unlucky enough to be near that tribute. Whoever that person was must have done something against the rules.

   But Harry needed to focus on finding his allies and where he was going to run. 20 seconds. He located Hermione and Luna. He locked eyes with Luna and mouthed, Kingston? She nodded and made an okay symbol with her hand. 10. Harry's eyes found a sword and a backpack near it. 7. He readied his wand. 4. Deep breath. 3. 2. 1. BOOM!

   Harry ran, ran as fast as possible, towards the sword and the brown backpack. He reached them just before another tribute did. It was Christelle, from Beauxbatons, with her wand out, opening her mouth to say a spell. Panicking he shouted, "Expelliarmius!" Christelle deflected it and started another spell, but her wand suddenly flew out of her hand. Harry saw Kingston, with a backpack and 2 spears, running towards them. Christelle ran for her wand. Harry swung the backpack behind him and grabbing the sword, joined Kingston in running for the woods. "Hermione...and...Luna...are waiting...for us." He panted. Harry nodded. They were almost at the edge of the woods, where Hermione and Luna were standing, when a spell made Harry fall. He flipped off the ground, facing a blond haired girl from Beauxbatons,(He didn't remember her name), Seraphina Lansky, from Hufflepuff, and Christelle. In a flash of red light, they were battling. Kingston, Hermione, and Luna joined him.

It happened so quickly that Harry didn't believe it.

   The blond haired girl lay on the grass, a spear in her stomach. Kingston's spear. The other two girls ran away screaming. Luna's eyes were wide and Hermione covered her mouth with her hand. Harry whipped around to Kingston. "What did you do?" Kingston didn't seem all that shocked that a girl had been killed and retrieved his spear for the girl's stomach.  "This is a matter of life or death, Potter. Move it or lose it."
"That was still an innocent girl. She didn't do anything. She-"
"She was going to try to kill us. Listen Potter, you might be the boy who lived, the boy who killed Voldemort, but you are as thick as-" Kingston was cut off as Hermione raised her wand above his shoulder and screamed, "STUPEFY!" Everyone whipped around to see Pansy Parkinson falling back, Goyle running towards them. 

   Kingston moved to fight back, but Luna pulled his arm away and called to all of them, "Let's go, we need to move quickly!" Harry, Hermione, and Kingston followed Luna towards the forest and when they reached the edge where the clearing and the forest met, Harry glanced back to survey the scene. There were a few still battling it out at the Cornucopia, but many had either fled or died. Goyle was yelling at Pansy while they ran back to the Cornucopia for letting Harry and his allies get away. 

   "Harry, come on!" Luna yelled, and he turned and ran with them. They ran for quite a while then started taking small breaks in between, and then went back to jogging. Finally, they stopped, and Hermione suggested that they look at the total amount of what they had to survive. Hermione had been able to retrieve a bow and 10 arrows, along with a small black backpack containing an empty water bottle, a pack of crackers, a loaf of bread, and iodine. Luna had a small dagger and had grabbed a slightly bigger backpack with wire, sleeping bag, a pack of dried fruit, and a water skin. Kingston had 2 spears, a sword, and a backpack holding a medical kit, a sleeping bag, and a pack of dried meat. Harry showed them his sword along with his backpack with rope, matches, a sleeping bag,  an empty water bottle, and iodine. 

   Hermione nodded. "This is a good pile. We need to ration this safely. Also-" She was cut off with the sound of cannons and everyone looked up to see red sparks that seemed too much like muggle fireworks for Harry's liking. It was like people were celebrating children's deaths. There were 5. 5 sparks, 5 cannon explosions. 5 dead. 

   Luna looked up sadly, but Kingston seemed undeterred. Harry glanced at Hermione. This seemed like the time a boy would hug his girlfriend, right? They had to keep up the act for sponsors. Hermione saved him the trouble of looking too awkward by leaning into him and Harry put his arm around her. He thought about Ginny, her beautiful red hair, her fiery attitude. What did she think of him now? Did she figure it out or was she furious and hoping  that he wouldn't die so she could kill him herself? Whatever happens, Harry thought, I hope that I'll be able to see her again. 


   Night was coming upon them and they decided to climb and settle into a big tree that covered all of its thick branches well . Harry settled into a branch with Hermione, sharing a sleeping bag. He tied the rope around the sleeping bag so that they wouldn't fall. He'd cut the rope earlier into three pieces, since the rope was very long, so that Luna and Kingston could use the rope too. Kingston had settled onto a branch lower than Harry and Hermione's but still rather high up in the tree and Luna had decided on a branch across Harry and Hermione. Suddenly, the sky lit up and it was like a little television, showing them who had died. First, a young, brown haired boy appeared. Underneath his picture, it was captioned: Jarold Fantz-Hufflepuff. Then, another young boy, Erik Markson-Hufflepuff. 3 more left. Aimee Roche-Beauxbatons. That was the girl Kingston had killed. Chantal Madeux-Beauxbatons. And finally, Quentin McVey-Slytherin. The sky darkened again and it was completely quiet. 

   "I'll watch first," Luna offered. Everyone else nodded and as Hermione sank into Harry's arms, he closed his eyes and dreaded the morning. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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