Chapter 7

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Previously:        Harry lay on his bed. Amazingly comfortable, made with the softest material and plump pillows. But nevertheless, he was not going to get a good night's sleep. After two hours, his eyelids started to get slightly heavy. But just when he was going to fall asleep, the silent night was broken by a woman's piercing scream.


Harry threw off the covers of his bed and yanked the door open. Hermione and Katie were also standing outside their doors, looking both scared and confused with a touch of fierceness in their eyes, ready to fight whatever threat was down the hall. The three exchanged a glance and then, with a nod, raced down the hall to the living room. When they saw the scene unfolding, Katie let out a scream, then clapped her hands over her mouth, Hermione gasped and turned away, but Harry could only stand and stare. Miss Pulchra lay on the ground, her blood spilled on the formerly white couches. She kept screaming, while three men stood over her, slashing their wands down, again and again.  Remedy Malum stood tall, close to the horrific scene. She was laughing. Laughing. 

"This is what happens to traitors. This is what happens to people who defy me." Remedy looked up to see Hermione, Harry, and Katie. She clicked her tongue and said to the men, "Take her away." Then she turned back to the three and smiled sadly. "I am deeply sorry that you had to see that. But the people poisoning our society with their evil must be punished. So I had to do something about Vanity Pulchra." Harry couldn't help himself. "That's cruel and inhumane!" 

She cocked her head and registered his words. "Well, back to bed, girls. There's a big, big day tomorrow. And don't worry about the whole sponsor thing, you know, since Miss Pulchra was taken away. I'll take care of it." Then she turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter, I'd like a word. Do not worry, I won't keep you long. Just join me for a nice cup of tea, please." 

Katie and Hermione left and Harry and Remedy sat across from each other in the sitting room. A teenage boy appeared with a tray and set it down on the mahogany coffee table between them. Remedy took a blue teacup and poured tea out of an intricately decorated teacup and poured some for Harry. Harry didn't take it. 

She took a sip and sat back. "You really must control your temper, Mr. Potter. I've heard your issues with Delores Umbridge in you fifth year. Then there was you shooting a killing curse at me. And of course, your loud outburst just now. But I have wanted to meet you for quite a while." Harry didn't say anything. "The chosen one! The boy who lived! The one who killed Voldemort!" She lowered her voice. "I think that we both know that you were meant to be in these Games all along." Harry raised his eyebrows. "You should know. You arranged for that." Remedy Malum smiled and in the dim light, it was one of the scariest things Harry had seen. 

"Can you keep a secret? I'm not the top dog." She stood up. "Perhaps, if you win the games, you'll join me. I think there's a lot that we could learn from each other. Good night."


The morning came soon. Too soon for Harry. He was called awake by a robotic voice. At the end of his bed, pants and a shirt with boots were prepared for him. He dressed quickly and his stylist greeted him at the door. She ushered him to a plate on the coffee table. Harry didn't see Hermione or Katie. 

"It's a portkey. I assume you know how they work?" Marina said. Harry nodded and put his finger on it, like Marina. They were whisked away to a room. There was only a table, two chairs, and the launching plate. Oh the table, a tray of food and water sat. A dark green jacket hung on the chair. Marina tried to smile, but it was more like a grimace. "First, here's your wand." She handed him back the wand. "Now, I need to put a  spell on you. This way, the Gamemakers will be able to monitor you." She took out her wand and pointing it at me, she murmured some words. "Okay, put on the jacket," she ordered. "Is it comfortable?" Harry nodded. "Good. Would you like to eat or drink anything?" Harry ate a piece of bread and drank some sips of water. His mind kept wandering to Remedy Malum's words. "I'm not the top dog."  So she wasn't in charge. Someone else was pulling the strings, controlling everyone like puppets. 

"1 minute till launch," a voice said. Marina bit her lip. "Good luck." She hugged him stiffly and gestured toward the plate. Harry stepped on the plate, clenching his wand tightly. In ten minutes he could die. Hermione could die. People would die. 

"Ten seconds."

Harry took deep breaths. He had to wait 60 seconds once he got into the arena. Then he would run to the Cornucopia, grab supplies, run out, and find his allies. Easy. 

The plate moved up and a hole in the ceiling opened. Harry looked frantically at Marina. She saluted him and mouthed, "Good luck." And then he was  in the arena. The bright sun blinded him for a few seconds. And then a voice ran out. "Happy Wizarding Games! May the magic be ever in your favor!" 

The Wizarding Games: a Harry Potter and Hunger Games crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now