Little Family - Part III

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The alpha had set the rule that once they're dating, Cody is forbidden from calling him 'Derek' when they're alone. Since Cody is a very special person to Derek, he dislike the idea of him using the same name other 'regular' people use. The rule came up from that and became stricter after they got married.

Cody who felt bad, quickly dug the alpha's face out from his neck then gave him a kiss which as quick turned into make out as soon as Derek took control. They were panting when they broke apart.

"That's a better one." Derek smiled.

"You better put a lot of effort on explaining after that kiss." He hissed, though the alpha knew it's just his way of hiding the blush.

Even after being together for so many years and having Jio, Derek glad that Cody's reaction remain the same. He acts like a virgin and the alpha loves him the most for that. It keeps the excitement going, while still enjoying the slutty side of the omega especially when he's in heat.

Good thing, it only happens occasionally. It would be dangerous for his heart and dick if it's an everyday thing.

The alpha peck the omega's cheek and lean his forehead on the shoulder. "I'm so lucky to have such a cute wife."

"S-Shut up."

"Baby, I always wanted to come home early to spend time with my little family here and I promised you because I thought I can fulfil that promise if I try hard enough to finish it before 7 but a few of Crowdest's departments are facing some major crisis all of the sudden. I had no idea as to why it happened simultaneously but that just mean tons of additional work to the original load."

"Just thinking about it made me tired." Derek sighed.

Since Cody have an experience working as intern at Crowdest, he knew exactly what it's like for executives especially the CEO himself when error occur at the same time. It may just be a small mistake but the process is hell lot.

Surely because more things to adjust and tons of analysis needed to be done as the chances that Crowdest getting sabotage is high too. With that much on to-do list, he can't blame the alpha for nagging.

If it weren't for him being a recessive omega, he would've release more of his strawberry pheromone to calm the alpha but he's limited to that.

"It's okay, honey. At least you tried and that matters." He smiled, caressing his alpha's neat hair. "Have you had your dinner?"


"Honey! How many times do I have to remind you not to skip your meals? Do I need to ask for photo proof every time you eat?"

"That would be a lot of work."

"No, you workaholic alpha. I should pay attention to your meals now just like Jio. I'm gonna ask Tara to do me the favor."

"Tara have a lot of work to do-"

"Then I'll go check by myself, just to see you have a proper meal."

"What about Jio?"

"I'll take him too, of course. Maybe have a lunch together wouldn't be a bad idea."

Derek was trying to convince his wife to give up his idea on tracking his meals because he skipped way too much meal a day and only depend on his caramel latte or candy to fuel him the entire day.

But that last one sounds very intriguing.

He nuzzle his face into Cody's shoulder. "I skip my meals often. Please come and feed me." Suddenly became soft and clingy.

The omega have a mix feelings about it but since they're both tired, he chose to spare the alpha this time instead of striking a fight.

"Starting new year, I'll pack you lunch and maybe eat together two days a week."

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