016 - 'I Don't Know What You Like'

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"Fine. Just hurry up and finish your work. See you in a bit."

He ended the call as soon as he said it. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I admit that it's a wrong move to push him on dinner together this soon. I was asking nicely though, trying to be friendly in hope that he'll agree to it without complication but when he said no, my self control slipped.

The growl and the demanding orders were from the demons that slipped the cage of my emotion for a mere minute. I unconsciously uttered the words without consent that it might sounds harsh to him. For whatever reason, I got so mad the moment he rejected my offer that I ended up calling him on the spot.

I mean, come on. I'm just trying to be nice here, why do you have to turn me down? There's not many people rejected me other than my close family members but it's been awhile since we met and this is the first time in decades that I got rejected. I'm not used to people saying no to me. Maybe that's one of the reason I got annoyed.

Geez, Derek. Calm down, it's his preference. Besides, he did told you he's tired. Maybe tonight's not a great time to start bonding with him. This is not a great beginner for our relationship.

Bet, he's afraid of me already. Yes, he agreed with me just now, but first, because I made him, I pushed him into agreeing and second, he even suggested to walk and wait there. He's definitely scared of me.

Great job, Mr Collen.

I looked at the paperwork which I got tons of it still in front of me that need to be check and sign but I think it'll have to wait. Judging by Puff's attitude just now, I can't guarantee he's going to wait for me until all of this finished.

If you asked me whether I can do it like this, well, that's the perks of being your own boss. No, I'm kidding. Of course I can spare myself today but the me tomorrow will definitely mad at the me now. For now, I just have to enjoy myself.

Looked at my branded Rolex on my left wrist, it's already 5.17pm. I better hurry. So, I packed my briefcase then walked away to the exit. As I was heading to the private elevator, I took out my phone from the breast pocket.

A deep male voice answered after only two rings, "Yes, sir?"

"Harry, get the car ready. I'm heading down now. I'll be having a guest so if you see a baby blue suit boy standing like a lost child there, tell him to get inside the limo. I'll be there in a minute."

"Right away, sir."

Then, I ended the call and press the button to the bottom floor of this building. As I waited for it to go all the way down, I'm battling with myself whether to call Jigglypuff or not. Regarding his behavior, I can't confirm that he'll go inside the limo merely from Harry's order.

But then decided not to since I'm almost there. Bet he'll take time to answer too, perhaps he answered it when I'm already beside him.

[B2 Floor]

I exited the elevator and found myself being amused as I saw the scene in front of me.

There stood Harry and Cody face to face, clearly in the middle of an argument which results them not noticing me standing just a few feet away from them so I decided to watch the entertainment they serve.

"Sir, you need to get in the car. My boss said-" Harry politely said but with a hint of frustration. God knows how long he'd tried to convince the boy to get inside and something about the boy afraid of being kidnap by Harry.

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