Renée - Chapter 16: Devil

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I decide to take a walk around campus to clear my mind and take a break. Exams are starting soon. I don't know if I'm ready. I didn't do much during the holidays. With everything that has happened, I think people would forgive me if I have bad grades. But I will do my best, the best I can do.

A flyer on the bulletin board catches my eye and I take picture of it. There's a violin concert on Sophia's birthday.

*picture of the flyer*
Do you have an exam on Monday?
Because if you don't, I would like to
go with you for your birthday :D

My first exam is on Wednesday :D
Do you really want to go to a
violin concert? Just for me?

Of course, it's your birthday x

I could kiss you right now <3

I smile and feel my cheeks turn red.

I'll pick you up at 5 ;)

She doesn't answer anymore, she's probably studying. I don't like studying, it's boring and my mind wanders off all the time. Colin and I made a deal at the beginning of the school year to study together during the exams. Well, he fucked that up. 

Well, speak of the Devil. Colin turns around the corner and keeps walking in my direction. He notices me with a pained expression on his face and stops walking. I sigh and walk past him, continuing my walk.

Maybe I was a little harsh on him? To be honest, I was surprised by my own anger and yelling. I would have cried to if someone yelled and insulted me like that. For a moment I hesitate to go talk to him. I feel so bad. But I want an apology from him first.

Wordcount: 287

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