The two boys quickly broke apart after hearing Michael's words. They slowly turned their heads to the door in horror. One of the boys with short black hair pushed the brunette boy whose lap he had been straddling moments ago off the bed. The brunette boy screeched as he hit the floor.

"Cal, what the fuck?!" He groaned, slowly sitting up and rubbing his back. The black-haired boy, who Michael guessed was Cal, continued to stare at Michael in shock. Michael awkwardly stared back, biting back a laugh at the brunette boy groaning on the floor.

Cal jumped off his bed and carefully stepped over the brunette. He made his way over to Michael and smiled. "I'm guessing you're my new roommate, right?" The boy asked. Michael grinned when he heard the boy had an Australian accent.

"Yeah, you a fellow Aussie?" The black-haired boy's eyes lit up. He quickly turned to the brunette boy, still groaning on the floor.

"Ash! We got another Aussie!" He screamed. The brunette boy, or Ash, slowly raised a thumbs up.

"Oi...oiii..." he softly mumbled, still writhing in pain. Calum scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Ash, stop being dramatic." He grumbled. He quickly turned back to Michael and pointed to himself.

"I'm Calum!" He turned back to Ash and pointed at him. "And that's Ashton, my idiot of a boyfriend." Ashton let out a soft 'hey!' And threw a pillow at Calum. Michael let out a soft laugh at the duo. They were a cute couple, that was for sure.

"I'm Michael." He said. Calum's eyes drifted down to the suitcase Michael was holding.

"Do you need help with your bags?" He asked. Michael shook his head. "Nah, thanks, though, man."

Michael entered the small room. He was expecting it to be a lot larger because it had to fit two people. Michael watched from the corner of his eye as Calum helped Ashton up and then pushed him out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Michael sighed and plopped down onto his bed. The mattress was weird; it was like plastic. Good thing he brought a mattress topper. Michael took in the rest of the room.

Calum's side was nice. His walls were covered in posters of bands and soccer players. There were a few polaroids of Calum and Ashton, which Michael thought were adorable. On Calum's ceiling were those stars that glow in the dark. "I like your side," Michael said. Calum grinned.

"Thanks, man!" The two sat in silence for a while while Michael unpacked his bags. After about an hour, he was fully unpacked. His walls were covered in band posters, along with a few musicals. He put three framed photos of him with Harry, Louis, and Niall that they took at Michael's going away party. His sheets were a dark navy, and he had a penguin stuffed animal placed front and center on his bed.

Calum looked up from his phone and over to Michael. "Ash just texted me. He wanted to know if you wanted to head down to dinner with us and meet the rest of our friend group." He said with a soft smile. "You don't have to, though."

Michael shrugged. "That sounds good. I need friends anyway." Calum and Michael both laughed. They both hopped off their bed and left their room. Outside of their door was Ashton playing a random game on his phone.

"Hey!" He smiled. He looked over to Michael. "Sorry we didn't meet in the best way; I'm Ashton, as you already know." Michael giggled.

"It's alright, dude, it was funny as hell." He grinned. The trio left the dorm and made their way over to the cafeteria.

"This is the cafeteria!" Calum announced.

"They have probably some of the shittest food you'll ever have!" Ashton said in a cheery voice that didn't work well with his sentence.

Calum and Ashton led Michael to a table at the farthest corner of the cafeteria. At the table sat two girls glued to their phones. One had pretty purple hair, while the other had brunette hair. Their hands sat atop the table interlocked.

The trio sat down in front of the two girls. Calum grabbed the purple-haired girl's phone. "Hey!" She screeched, clawing at Calum's arm to get the phone back. The brunette girl next to her laughed and placed her phone down.

"Crystal, Sierra, meet my new roommate, Michael!" Calum exclaimed. The two girls' heads turned to Michael.

"Hi! I'm Crystal!" The girl with purple hair said with a smile.

"And I'm Sierra, it's lovely to meet you." The girl with brown hair said. Michael smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm Michael. It's nice to meet you both." Calum handed Crystal back her phone, who practically pounced onto him to grab it. Once she got her phone back in her grasp, she opened Instagram and began to bombard Michael with questions.

"What's your Instagram? Twitter? Facebook? Snap? Pornhub?" Michael choked on his spit at the last one. Crystal frantically mumbled, typing in random users she thought Michael would have into the Instagram search bar.

"Darling, chill," Sierra said, taking the phone from Crystal's grasp. Crystal pouted, which made Sierra let out a giggle. She gave her a quick peck on the lips, which caused Crystal to smile. Michael watched as Sierra slyly slipped Crystal's phone into her back pocket.

"C'mon, Crys, I heard they're serving pasta for dinner," Sierra said as she stood out of her seat.

"Fuck yea! Shitty cafeteria pasta!" Crystal yelled, which gained the table a few weird stares. She shot up out of her seat and sprinted over to the cafeteria staff. Sierra fondly smiled and shook her head, following after her girlfriend.

"Crystal and Sierra have been dating since freshman year," Ashton explained. Michael hummed and nodded.

"They're cute together."

"Not as cute as Ash and I, right?"

"Shut up, Calum."


So Mike met Cashton + Sierra and Crystal (idk what their ship name is)

Cashton is so cute im gonna scream

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