Michael's first night at Stratford went surprisingly well. After dinner, he spent three hours with Crystal, Sierra, Calum, and Ashton. He had a fantastic time getting to know his new friends. That time was cut short when everyone was sent back to their rooms for study hall.

Study hall was uneventful. He helped Calum with his pre-calculus homework, which he absolutely botched. After ten minutes of trying, the two gave up and binge-watched Death Note, which Michael learned that Calum never watched before.

It was now the following day, and Michael was passed out on his bed. He heard a loud knocking on his door. "Come in." Calum groaned.

The door opened, revealing John. He had a bright smile on his face. "Time to get up for school, guys." Both Michael and Calum simultaneously groaned, which caused John to laugh.

"School starts at 8:30, it's 6:30 now," John said. "You have to be out of the dorms by 7:20 for breakfast, alright?" John said as he flicked the light switch on and closed the door.

Michael and Calum both hissed at the bright light. Michael sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes—the timezone change was kicking his ass.

Michael hopped off his bed and grabbed a random pair of khaki pants and a collared shirt. "This dress code is so fucking stupid," Michael said as he took off his tank top that he slept in.

Calum laughed. "Tell me about it." He slipped off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. "It's to 'make us look more professional,' as they put it."

Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes. He buttoned up the collared shirt and put his khaki pants on. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and made his way to the bathroom that was across the hall.

He opened the bathroom door and was hit with the most putrid smell he'd ever smelt. He fought back the urge to gag. He walked over to the sinks, where he saw Ashton brushing his teeth. Ashton turned and waved, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. Michael smiled and waved back.

Two minutes later, Michael walked back into his room with Ashton following behind him. Calum sat on his bed, searching through his bag.

"What are you looking for, sweetheart?" Ashton asked as he stood in between Calum's legs. He pecked Calum on the nose. Calum sighed as he ran his hand through Ashton's long hair.

"Just making sure I have everything." Calum turned to Michael, who was zipping up his backpack.

"Should we head down to breakfast? It's about to be 7:20," Ashton grumbled and rested his head in the crook of Calum's neck. Calum giggled when he felt Ashton's breath on his neck.

Calum softly pushed Ashton off him and hopped off his bed. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and turned to Michael. "You wanna walk to breakfast with us?"

Michael nodded, adjusting his backpack. The trio waved goodbye to John and left the dorm. The crisp November air hit them like a bus.

"Jesus Christ!" Michael groaned. He was used to this month being warm in Australia; it was completely different in America.

After a short walk, the trio made it to the cafeteria. They made their way to the same table they sat at yesterday. There they saw Sierra and Crystal, along with two other people Michael hadn't met yet. A brunette girl was sitting on a blonde-haired boy's lap, heavily making out.

All three of them sat down simultaneously, which gained the attention of the two new people at the table. The brunette girl climbed off the blonde lap. Her bruised red lips broke into a smile.

"Awww, who's this cutie?" She giggled, pointing a finger at Michael. Michael awkwardly shifted in his seat.

"I'm Michael, Calum's new roommate." The girl gave a sickly, sweet smile.

"Cute!" She exclaimed, dragging out the e. "Well, I'm Arzaylea! And this is my baby Lukey!" She grabbed the blonde's cheeks and squeezed them.

"We're, like, the cutest couple at this school! Been together for two years, right, Lukey?" Luke slowly nodded, his eyes staying fixed on Michael. Arzaylea giggled and leaned over the table, which caused her cleavage to be in clear view.

"I'm going to go get breakfast. Care to join me, Lukey?" Arzaylea said, backing up from the table. Luke shook his head.

"No thanks, sweetheart, I wanna get to know Michael better."

This caused Arzaylea to pout. She crossed her arms and let out a 'hmph!' She stood up and strutted away, her skirt that was definitely NOT in dress code swayed side to side.

Once Arzaylea was out of earshot, the group sighed in relief. "Luke, dude, I thought you said you were gonna break up with her?" Ashton said as he leaned over the table to Luke.

"I was!" Luke said, holding his hands up in defense. "But you know how she is."

Ashton sighed and leaned back into his seat. The group sat in an awkward silence that was broken by another girl plopping her tray down next to Crystal. She had split-dyed hair and bright pink lips.

"Mel!" The group cheered. The girl let out a laugh and sat down. Her eyebrows furrowed when she made eye contact with Michael. She raised her fork that had a strawberry on it and pointed it at Michael.

"You new?" She asked. Michael nodded. She hummed and placed the strawberry into her mouth. "I'm Melanie."

Michael smiled. "I'm Michael."

"Ugh, here comes the she-devil." Melanie groaned. She held her head down and began to cut her pancake right as Arzaylea strutted back over to the table. She pouted when she spotted Melanie.

"Ugh! Lukey, baby, why is she here?!" Arzaylea screeched, pointing to Melanie. "She's freaky! She threatened to hurt me!"

"I did it because you punched me."

"It was self-defense!"

"I accidentally hit your arm during volleyball practice."

The rest of the group watched as the two bickered. Luke sighed, grabbed Arzaylea by her waist, and sat her on his lap. She huffed and rested her head in the crook of Luke's neck.

"Uh... anyways..." Ashton said, breaking the awkward silence. "Mike, wanna compare schedules?"

"Sure," Michael said as he pulled out his schedule. He put it in the middle of the table for the group to read, except for Arzaylea, who didn't move from her spot in Luke's neck.

"Sick! All of us are in your third-period class!" Calum cheered.

'Even her, too?' Michael mouthed as he pointed to Arzaylea. Calum sighed and nodded. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Mike, we have sixth period together!" Melanie said with a smile.

Luke leaned over and looked at the paper. "We have third and seventh together." He smiled. Michael nodded




also sorry for adding A******a in here I wanted drama lol


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