"Hey, Luke!" Michael said with a smile as he sat across from the blonde during breakfast the next day. Luke shot him a quick smile and leaned over, snagging a grape from the redhead's plate. Michael frowned as he watched Luke triumphantly smile as he chewed and swallowed the stolen grape.

"I can't believe you did this to me!" Michael whined. Luke smiled and moved his fork around his plate.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday," Luke said. Michael looked up from his plate of cold oatmeal and furrowed his eyebrows.

"You have nothing to apologize for." He said softly, smiling. Luke shook his head.

"No. I just met you, and I dumped all of that onto you." Luke mumbled. He rubbed his wrist, a nervous habit he picked up in middle school. Michael shook his head.

"I might not get what you're going through, but I want you to know I'm here for you. I might not know you that well, but I care about you." Michael said with a soft smile as he moved a grape around on his plate with his fork.

Luke felt his face flush. Butterflies flew around in his stomach, and he felt the urge to vomit (in a good way.)

He ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. "T-thanks, man." He mumbled, a grin coming to his face.

"How was last night?" Michael asked. Luke shrugged.

"It went alright. Ash helped me."

"That's good. Did you break up with-"

Michael was interrupted by Arzaylea strutting over and plopping herself onto Luke's lap. She placed a sloppy kiss on his neck. Luke looked over Aryzaylea's head and towards Michael, rolling his eyes.

Michael sighed as his eyes avoided the sight of Arzaylea giving Luke a hickey. Luke didn't enjoy it as his head was tilted to the side, his expression stone cold.

Michael thanked the God he didn't believe in when Calum and Ashton walked over. The couple eyed Luke and Arzaylea, then slowly turned to one another. Calum mumbled something to Ashton, who shrugged. Calum sighed and placed his plate down next to Michael.

"Hey guys," Calum said as he sat down. Luke gave a small wave as Arzaylea continued to mark him up. Ashton sat down next to Calum, wrapping his arm around his shoulders.


"What's up, Mr. G?!" Rebecca yelled as she skipped into the theater. Mr. G sighed and shook his head.

"Good morning, Rebecca." He mumbled. Rebecca skipped over to the closest open seat, which happened to be right next to Michael. She threw her bag down onto the floor and sat down.

"Hey! How was your first day?" She asked as she ran a hand through her blonde hair. Michael shrugged.

"It was good." She smiled at the response and grabbed her laptop.

"Alright!" Mr. G clapped his hands together. "Get into your group and continue on your writing!"

Everyone shot up out of their seats and met with their group. Michael shuffled over to Luke, who had 4 dark hickeys decorating his neck.

Everyone split off into random parts of the theater. "Wanna sit on the stage?" Luke asked, pointing to the stage. Michael shrugged.

"Sure." The two hopped up onto the stage. The two boys sat down and opened their notebooks.

For the next hour, the two shot back and forth different ideas for the play. They ultimately decided on doing Luke's voodoo doll idea. Now, they just needed the script.


SHORT CHAPTER IN HONOR OF VALENTINES (or valntyne as Calum would say) DAY!!
Updates probably won't happen as frequently bc I have a play coming up and I need to memorize lines n shit.



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