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I guess I should probably start by listing my issues, may add/change things if I remember something since I have alot of memory issues so yeah. Some are diagnosed/ definite, others are things I dont really agree with but am told very often by people who are qualified to say so are pretty certain I have, just ask idfk also not just putting clinical terms but also things I just struggle with, so yeah, alot of my things won't make sense or be organized in a logical way to everyone sorry, you can always ask questions but im incredibly skittish so if I dont respond sorry. Expect spelling mistakes probably i type fast and won't always fix it.

Some age mentions or time frames may be wrong or mixed up because most of my memories are incredibly fragmented its hard to place anything sorry.

Autism is not a mental illness but it is something that has heavily affected me so thats why I put it here.

Please if you have nothing nice to say dont say it i am barely here.

CPTSD, Depression, anxiety, autism, Paranoia, early onset psychosis, DID, no object permanace, memory issues in general, Dissociation, Dysphoria

Should I add a kin list for reference of characters I relate too?

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