Yandere Valentino x Fem Cat Demon Overlord reader🍋

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Requested by : _blueberrywaffleton_

(Never writen a Yandare before so I hope I did you Justice 🫶)


Yandere Valentino x Female cat demon Overlord Reader


The Realm of pride held the most sinners known in the 9 realms of hell. Pride was what best Described Y/n. Valentino was obsessed with her... Fascinated by her abilities and her slick ways to get things done Her way. Her raw Beauty could blow away a thousand sinners. Not even Angel Dust could compare to her...
He needed her... badly.

He wanted to make her his, and His forever, For all eternity. To claim and show off to the Vs of what is His. To see her beneath him... Begging to be fucked into oblivion. To show her a little bit of Heaven in hell right in his very bed sheets. He didn't know what true love was until the moment he saw H e r... Manipulating and swaying her way up the ranks. To others, Like Vox, She is just another Demon who is based of an animal, like Radio Demon Alastor. But oh she was different all right.

But something changed... he felt something never before. As he was recording a shoot with Angel dust, he was looking on his phone, Ignoring the moans Angel exaggerated for the movie. He was looking on Y/n's profile, seeing that she was having lunch with a different demon. He felt.... Angry, Jealous, That should be Him! Not some demon! She is Suppose to be His! He stared into Y/n's smile. Which fueled his anger more, it should be Him making her smile like that. "Uh, Valentino?" His manager questions his attention to the film. Valentino's thoughts break as he stood up, "I have somewhere I'm needed, Just follow the script. I entrust Angels skills in acting in your hands" he said dismissively while looking back on his phone. Seeing how long ago the picture was posted. Which was 10 minutes ago. The manager gulped. "But Sir-" he was Inturruptwd while raising his hand. "What does 'I'm busy' look like to you?!" He yelled at him. Everyone giving them looks. Valentino adjusts his coat. "Just follow the script. And I'll look over the progress later" he smiled calmly. Waving his hand dismissively while he walked towards the door. "Once I'm back, I Don't want to be disturbed" he said calmly with a sly smile before slamming the door...

Meanwhile. Y/n was sitting calmly as her ear twitches lightly before she reaches up to scratch it. Her demonic Horns were small, but sharp nonetheless. Her s/c (skin colour) matching with her fur on her face. She had Humanoid Hands but her nails were retractable, and sharp as Ever. They can pierce through the skin like Butter. Her eyes were e/c with Cat like slit for pupils. Her Clothes were simple. A F/c (favourite colour) long sleeves shirt with jeans fitted to allow her tail to sway loosely. With her heightened abilities. She could sense and hear things from a mile away. Her abilities to smell things were enhanced and being able to see into the dark was An advantage against other sinners who stands in her way to the top. She had a Steak dinner in front of her. Eating in a fancy restraunt with her friend f/n (friends name). It's been a while since she seen her friend. So having this dinner without worrying who is gonna kill her was relieving. "So, Anything to let the cat out of the bag?" F/n jokes with a smile. Y/n rolled her eyes. "Enough with the jokes already, You haven't stopped since we reunited here" she sighs. He laughed gently, "what? Can't make you smile anymore? My jokes use to rile you up like a cat on Catnip" he smirks at his joke. She groans, "Please stop" she begged. Leaning on the table. "Its hard enough being taken Seriously as an Overlord. I don't need a shit comedian with dad jokes to embarrase me" she explained while going back to eating. He smirks. "But you love my Jokes don't you" he smirks flirtatiously. She huffed in response. Glaring at him, regretting to agree to this dinner. "I cannot roll my eyes Any harder. If I do, I'll go blind" she said with a tired look. He smiled at her while he eats. "But seriously though, what's up? Since you started your whole 'I'm gonna fucking kill everybody I see' parade. You've been awfully closed off. Like your hiding from something" F/n expresses his worries for his favourite audience to annoy. He showed a concerned look. Which wasn't often for a serial killer comedian who loves making people smile to show. Y/n leans back. "I think I have a stalker on my profile account" she explains calmly before looking around. F/n snickers before laughing. "That's it!? A stalker is making you paranoid! Y/n you might as well take my job because you just said the weeks Funniest- no Halerious Joke!" He laughed hard. Making her melt back onto the chair. "I hate talking to you" she huffed. F/n sniffles as he wipes a tear. "Seriously? A Stalker? Y/n I've seen you kill with a single nail to the neck. I watched you Gauge someone's eye out because you thought 'eye for an eye' was funny" he smiled at her.

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