Adam x Jealous Reader

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(Sorry I took forever to write this, I was dying🙄)
(If this story is bad I'm sorrryyy ❤️)
(I'm genuinely d y I n g)

Requested by: pikkuruboru

Adam x Jealous Reader


Heaven is bright, happy, where was not a sin in sight! Kind of. But we don't talk about that. This is Heaven After All! Amongst these Angels lived Adam, The first Man to Exist on earth. Unlike what most suspect, He was Up with the Times and Trends. His passion for Rock drove him to play in a band in local bars, concerts, he was famous! After all he was the first man on earth...

Y/n was a Beauiful Young Angel, kind, Passionate.  They Always held a Smile on their face whenever they see Adam play in Local Bars. More in their local bar than Anywhere else. But Y/n doesn't complain, Seeing him play his guitar while singing for the crowds. It warmed Y/n's heart. His Smile shining on the crowd before looking at Y/n. He Winks at them, Y/n smiling wider before chearing Adam on.  Adam smiling as he plays his Guitar Solo...

The Bar was a tacky one, Traditional like it came from the Old West in movies, unlike the Modern society Heaven Posses. This one is a slightly older, Nastolgic, it was cheaper than other local Bars and the aura Of the place was Happy, Fun. Anyone is Welcome. That's why Y/n liked it here. The Kind souls who runs the place holds a passion to their traditions, And Y/n supports that. And clearly Adam too.

So why does Adam preform there on most of his nights when he could be going for Gold in different bars? More popular and modern places? Well the answer is Obvious and Simple. He liked someone, he liked Y/n. Seeing them Smile to his songs, Seeing them Dance and sing and spin warmed his heart up enough to want to play at the Tacky old bar. He wanted to get close with them. To be the one Dancing with them and Sing with them. Everything about them fascinates him. But he didn't know how to approach such a lovely angel. Until one specific night...


It was a night of excitement, Happiness, the Bar was Lively, More lively than normal, it was like Adam's fans found out where he mostly preforms. Y/n was happily talking to their friend, sharing drinks and laughing at different jokes. Adam enjoying the Attention from the crowds while he played his guitar, his Wide Smile growing while he plays his Guitar Solo. His attention however was drawn past the crowd ahead of him. Hoping to see Y/n's Smile. However he was left Disappointed, seeing that His usual Attention was drawn away from him to a friend of Y/n's. Drinking to their hearts content. Who was this angel? He never saw them at the bar before. Are they new? Clearly she is a good friend of Y/n's. They are talking like they known eachother for decades. An idea arrose from his head. If they know eachother well, what if they got to know their friend? To know who Y/n is truly like? To get closer to them. It was a simple idea, but it's going to get some work. As he smiled while dancing during his guitar solo. He flies into the air. "Hahaha!" Adam laughs while landing on the Bar table Y/n and F/n (friends name) sat at. He Smiled at F/n. "Care to dance?" He Said to F/n while Still playing his guitar. F/n gasps a little with Excitement. "Obviously!" She chimes as Adam smirks. Hopping off the Table as f/n and him started to dance together. Their backs pressing against eachother as Adam played his guitar. Y/n laughed while cheering them on. "Go get it Girl!" They cheered F/n on. Everyone clapping to the beat of the Song as Adam and F/n spun together. Adams confident smile beaming down at F/n before he takes glances at Y/n, Seeing their Smile again. It warmed his heart. Before he smirks again. Finishing up the song as he slides on his knees. "WOOO!!!" The crowd cheers. Adam panting heavily as he smiled happily, getting up as he was charged by the crowd. Surrounded completely to sign any merchandise.

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