Yandere Adam x Fem Reader (+ Yandere Lucifer)

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(Not gonna lie, this was the hardest Short I did so far because I had to think how to make this work)

Requested by: @pikkuruboru

(I hope i did you Justice ❤️🫶)


Yandere Adam x Reader x/+ Yandere Lucifer


Extermination day was a gruesome and horrible day, sinners being killed left and right by the Excersists and Adam himself. The First man to walk the earth. The Man who populated earth with his nuts. His Ego was a untamed ocean in a thunder storm. Yet there was one demon who He admired, who he made sure the excersists didn't harm. That one demon was Y/n, he doesn't understand why he felt so... infatuated by her. Demons were disgusting but her? She was like a small flash of light in a realm of darkness and horror. Lute never understand why Her, but she trusts her boss. Even if her doubts clouded her mind.

Once a Year, Adam gets to see Y/n in her home, He loved how cute she looked, keeping her w/c (weapon choice) close on hand in case a excersist breaks in. He loved how strong she looked. He loved how her determined yet fearful face looked when He gets close to the window. Killing demons in front of the window. He saw it as protecting her home from the filthy sinners that fell from earth. And how confused yet feared look when Adam clearly sees her yet doesn't attack. For years this routine happens. He would stay in the area. Making sure not a single excersist or demon comes near her home. Those who do, gets punished. Nothing touches her... Or so he thought...

Lucifer had her eyes on y/n for a while. Longer than he wants it to be. Since his divorce with Lilith. He started to notice things that no normal demon would see. He watched the patterns of Adams flight and attacks. Mapping where he'd mostly reside during the 1 day he flys to Hell to bring the terror on his people. He was curious, That's when he saw Y/n for the first time. That's when things started to add up.. that Adam was in love with a sinner, his intentions was to take her away from Adam like he did with lilith and eve. But something changed the more he watched her. Like Adam, he started to notice the beauty she possessed, How skilled she was with her weapon. But she doesn't kill out of Sport. She only kills to protect herself, watching her strength while she kills those who threatened her. It made something grow inside his heart. A warmth... Familier loving feeling he originally had with lilith before she Estinguished the fire burning for her. Now it glows again, Now this time... it was Burning Brighter than ever. But Lucifer can't let Adam have her, Oh no. He needed her for himself. How the saying goes, Third times the Charm...


Y/n was Estatic, She running through the streets of hell, passing the Cannibals and perverts while she runs to her job as a receptionist. As she bursts through the Glass Door, Seeing her friend Sitting there dead out of her Mind. The room was moderately clean, The walls were purple with yellow Rims on the ceiling and floor. The floor was a dark Brown wood with stains of Blood, the couch's were ripped and used. Made with a fabric lining and rough texture. The fluff of the inside poking out of the arms of the chairs. Y/n was almost bouncing with joy. "Guess who just became the Manager of the King of hell himself!!" She exclaimed excitedly to her friend. Her eyes widened as it diverted from her phone. Seeing the pure joy radiating off her body. "Wait- Seriously? You got the Job?!" She smiled at Y/n as she sat up from her chair. Walking around the desk, Y/n almost squeels. "F/n I'm gonna Explode!" She laughed as she hugged Her friend tightly, F/n laughed as she hugged her back. "What was the interview like? Spill the Tea sister!" She smiles. She guided Y/n to the couch. Sitting down with her While Y/n couldn't stop moving. Her legs bouncing up and down. "It was great! I think?" She questions before looking at her hands. "Oh my Gosh I'm Shaking! F/n I'm so happy!" She chimes. F/n laughing lightly, "focus
Y/n! I want details!" She smiled at her. Y/n takes in a deep breath. "Ok so" she starts before uncontrollably smiling. "Ok ok!" Y/n prepares herself. "So, I entered the building, and he was there Already waiting! I panicked thinking I was late but he said I was early and complimented me on my appearance, calling me professional and it was a good look" she explains. F/n smirking as she leans back while listening to her friend. "Then he took me to a room with a massive Desk! It also had a rubber duck on a stool but I couldn't really mention that because we went Straight to business" she explained. F/n scoffed. "Did you fuck?" She asks. Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile. "No, but he was Questioning things about me Which I thought was kinda unprofessional but I just assumed he just wanted to know a little about me and build a character profile on me to see if im fit for the job" she explains. She opens her bag, "he Even gave me a rubber duck F/n! Telling me that he believes this ducky is fit for my home!" She squeeled. Making F/n laugh. "Get to the Juicy Bits!" She gets excited with her. "Oh right" she placed the rubber ducky in her bag. She smiled widely, "then, The Big question came" she smiled as she opens her hands, using a serious voice as she looked at F/n dead in the eye. "He asked me how Available I am to start!" She smiled, F/n was shocked. "He just Hired you like that?" She asks. Y/n nods, "Mhm Mhm And!" She sits up, "I'm starting Tomorrow! Granted a little earlier than I want it but he wants me To be there ASAP! He said a Pretty face like mine is perfect for the job!" She smiled happily. F/n gasps. "Congratulations!!" She hugged Y/n tightly, Y/n smiled widely while hugging her back. "I'm so Happy Y/n!" She said happily, F/n laughed lightly, then paused when a realisation washes over her face. "Who am I going to steal their food now?!" She exclaimed. Making Y/n laughed. "You'll make do without me" she smiles. F/n groans. "But your cooking is so good! And who am I gonna slag off to now? I can't with Henry, He can't keep a secret" she huffed. Y/n smiles, "f/n you have my Number, Its gonna be fine" she smiled gently, F/n sinking into the couch. "Its not the same!" She whines. Making Y/n laugh a little at her suffering friend. "Look in free on Mondays and Sundays, We can meet up and I can Update you on my work and you can spill all the tea you find here" she smirks. F/n sits up, "deal!" She chimes. Making Y/n smile happily before she stood up, "now I am going to have a Nice Little Word with our Boss" she smirks. F/n smirks, "oh-ho this is gonna be good" she takes out her phone. Getting ready to record.

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