Chapter II

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???'s pov
I'm driving,I smile to myself as I see the 'Welcome to Nockfell' sign. I'm back. Maybe this time I'll be back for good.

Sals pov

I talk with my friends, about boring things, I'm just thinking about travis. Where is he? How is he? He wasn't friendly to us, but after the bathroom incident he left us alone. I genuinely am worried about him, and I hate to admit it but, I really miss him, I miss Travis phelps.. I wonder where he is now.. maybe he has a wife, kids? I hope he has a good life without his dad.

Kenneth has previously died and people are whispering about how travis is going to come back to be the new pastor, it would make sense for him to be the pastor as he is Christian, but who knows, he might not even be Christian anymore, what if he comes back and he's still the same old mean travis?? What if he's not changed at all?? What if he's homophobic.. but that letter.. what if it was his..

Larry notices I've been staring off into space for about ten minutes and waves his hand in my face "yo sally face? You still there?? Earth to sally face. Yo sally face come back to earth man."Larry says, then ash, Todd and Neil give me concerned looks, my cheeks flush in embarrassment as I realise I was zoned out, ash takes hold of my hand and speaks "sal are you okay? You know if something is bothering you, you can always tell us.."Ash is sweet, she's like the mother of the group, always getting us out of trouble.

I stare out the window, you can see the church in the distance, the creepy. Old. Church. That place gives me the creeps.. I get chills along my body when I walk past it, and I get some kind of strong supernatural evil energy feeling from it, which I don't get because it's a place of god, the bottom strap of my prosthetic is unstrapped and I slip the fork under it to eat my food as I stare at the church, god I really hope people are right about travis coming back.

(Short but it's the best I can do.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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