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:-Two Years Later-:

The bright morning sun gracefully falls on my skin, the warm rays blossoming on my face. The fresh smell of the morning dew fills my nose as my boots brush against the grass. A slight breeze ruffles my (hc) hair.My hand clutches the strap of my satchel, colorfully embroidered in my favorite colors by my sister. I look over my shoulder at the kingdom behind me. Corona. The only place I've ever known. I then look forward to the vast horizon before me. The rolling hills, forests, flowers, and mountains that await me. I've never been this far from my home before. Then, my gaze travels to my side.

Varian stands there, looking at me with hopeful blue eyes. He's holding his mother's almanac. 

Butterflies furiously flap around my stomach as I envision the journey that we're about to embark on. One of self-discovery for both of us.

I glance to my feet and see Dandelion and Ruddiger, ready to follow us to the seven kingdoms and back.

Suddenly, I feel Varian's hand take mine and give it a reassuring squeeze. My eyes travel to him, and he smiles. "You ready?"

I nod, a newfound sense of courage washing over me knowing that whatever happens, we'll face it together. I grin. "As I'll ever be."

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now