Chapter 7

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*Chastity's POV
After school, Moe and I sat on my bedroom floor and we started on our project. As we're working together, I look at her and wondered so much about her. We were alone, so why not ask her now?

"I have a question."
"Yea, wassup?" Moe replied.
"Why are you gay?"

She hesitated before she gave me an answer. But then she spoke.

"Uuuh, let's put it like this. I like the girl sexual organs. I like pretty faces, curvy hips, juicy lips, and a big butt. I like the softness of a girl. A dude is just ignorant, insensitive and it's a complete turn off. Plus, I don't find nothing attractive about they bodies. Some girls are ignorant too but I only date the ones that are worth it. I would go more into detail but I know you don't wanna hear all that gay shit."

"It's not gay shit. It's sexual preference." I assured.

She looked at me and smiled.

"You real cool. I knew you can hang."
"I support the LGBT's. And I believe that you should be free to love whoever you want."
"Not everybody thinks like you." Moe said looking down.
"Just ignore those who--"
"It's not that easy! You got older folks telling me you need to go to church and find Jesus. Got people telling you that you're going to hell. And more people counting you out. And that's just being gay. But being a stud? Pshh."

I looked at her as someone gunned her down and stole her hope right out her pocket. I can see the pain, hurt, and the struggle in her face. I felt like i saw her whole life story on her face like a movie on a tv screen.

"But you have people like you, going through the same things. Youre not alone. There's an army out there fighting every day through the same thing youre fighting through. I mean did you see the broadcast of the Marriage Equality junk? They fought for gay rights and now the got it. But it didnt take one person to fight for it. It took hundreds, then thousands, then millions. It's something yall going through but it will get better. Don't miss out on the sunny day because youre still stuck on the rainy day from yesterday."

Moe slightly laughed. "What are you, 80?"

"No. Why would you say that?" I giggled back.

She smiled at me. "Because you're so wise man."

I looked down and smiled and found her looking at me in the corner of my eye. I looked up and we locked eyes, but it was weird. I felt a connection.

The door flies open.

"Aye guh you got the laptop? I need to.... Oh, you have company"

It was Des ass barging in my damn room.

"Well shit, can you knock?"

Des completely ignored me and turned all her attention to Moe.

"Aint you gay?"
"DES!" I yelled at her.
"It's okay. Yea, why?" Moe answered.

[Des and Moe are about to dialogue. Don't get it mixed up with Chas, whose POV is told.]

"How did you first know you were gay?" Des asked.
"I knew for sure that I was gay when I first had sex with one and I absolutely loved it. But before then I found girls attractive."
"So then what made you be a stud?"
"I never been girly. I hated dresses and barrettes and barbies. I mostly played with my brother's toys. Then some girl told me I would make a fine ass boy and I was committed since then on."
"Oooooooh.......... I'm leaving now."

[Chas is now active in dialogue.]

Des walked pretty fast out the room.

I looked at Moe and she began to talk.
"So, where are your parents?"
"My mom is at work and my dad is deployed overseas in Iraq."
"Military brat?" Moe smiled while glueing pieces onto the poster.
"Nooo. I'm not a brat." I laughed. "I'm a daughter of two military personnels."
"Oh so both are in the military?"
"Yea, it gets lonely at times but we make it."

We talked about our families for a bit more longer, but Moe didn't say much about her's. I got to know Moe on a deeper level and i can finally see clearly why she is who she is. But at least we got a good amount of work done. Moe begans to leave.

"I'll fuck with chu later."
"Iight." I said back to her as i closed the front door behind her.

I hated to see her go. But I'll see her tomorrow. No biggie.

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