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Third person's POV :

"Don't worry, everything will be okay," Jun said, placing a gentle kiss on Hao's forehead.

Hao took a deep breath and nodded, trying to calm his racing heart. He never thought that flying back to his home country to adopt a baby was overwhelming.

Jun continued to rub Hao's back soothingly, whispering soft and sweet words.

"Just think about the beautiful baby girl we are going to bring home," he said with a smile.

Hao closed his eyes and pictured their future daughter in his mind. He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms and give her all the love and care she deserved.

As the plane took off, Hao held onto Jun's hand tightly. Jun squeezed back, silently reassuring Hao that he was there for him.

As they landed in China, they were greeted by Hao's mom and their adoption agency and were taken to the orphanage where their daughter was waiting for them. They were overwhelmed with emotions as they saw the little girl for the first time. She was so small and fragile, but they knew she was meant to be their daughter.  She was a beautiful little girl with bright eyes and a big smile. Jun and Hao's eyes filled with tears as they held their daughter for the first time.

Hao's worries disappeared as soon as he held Byeol in his arms. She looked up at him with her innocent eyes and he knew that he was meant to be her father.

"Wen Byeol" As Hao cradled Byeol in his arms, a surge of overwhelming emotion washed over him. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the indescribable joy and gratitude that filled his heart.

Jun, witnessing the raw beauty of the moment, wrapped his arms around Hao from behind, offering silent strength and unwavering support. Their tears merged as a testament to the depth of their love and the magnitude of their shared happiness.

Jun and Hao went through the necessary paperwork and the adoption process was indeed long and filled with paperwork and interviews. But Jun and Hao were patient and determined. They knew that it would all be worth it in the end. in a few days, they were gonna be officially parents of the 6-month-old BYEOL. They decided to spend the next few weeks in China, getting to know their daughter.



Hey guys!! I am back with another short update. It's just a filler part about JunHao.Thank you so much guys for freaking 2k🫶🏻 💖 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and once again thankyou for showing love to this story.

Thank you so much guys for freaking 2k🫶🏻 💖 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and once again thankyou for showing love to this story

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