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Third person's POV :

At 7 am...

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a golden glow into the room where Seungkwan lay nestled in the warmth of their bed. Soft snores escaped his lips as he dreamt peacefully, blissfully unaware of the time slipping away.

Vernon,  sat beside his lover, watching over him with a tender smile. His fingers lightly brushed against Seungkwan's cheek, a gentle caress that said, "It's time to wake up, my love."

"Kwanie, it's time to get up, baby" Vernon whispered, his voice like honey. "We have to go to the beach house today, everyone is waiting, we don't wanna be late, right?"

Seungkwan stirred, a muffled groan escaping as he burrowed deeper into the comfort of the blankets. "Mmm, just five more minutes,pleaseeee" he murmured, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

 "Come on, Boo " he urged, placing a tender kiss on Seungkwan's temple.

 Seungkwan stretched lazily, his body still heavy with sleep. "Okay," he said, his voice groggy. "I'm getting up." Chuckling softly, Vernon persisted, gently nudging Seungkwan once more. "Come on, love, they are waiting for us. We promised them that we would be on time."

Seungkwan groaned softly and sat up, stretching lazily. "I don't want to get out of bed," he whined.

Vernon grinned, leaning down to kiss Seungkwan's cheek quickly. "That's my boy. Now, let's get ready to hit the beach!"

At SeokSoo's place : 

Seokmin sat on the carpet, his muscular arms gently cradling Hope as she kicked her tiny legs with delight. Her bright eyes sparkled with mischief as she reached out to grab a colourful toy. Seokmin's heart melted with joy as he watched his precious daughter explore the world around her.

However, in the same room, Joshua felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility for his little girl. He couldn't help but fret over every danger lurking in the unknown. The vast expanse of the ocean, the sharp rocks, and the unpredictable weather all seemed like formidable threats to Hope's safety.

Seokmin, being a smart dad packed everything they needed: beach towels, sunscreen, diapers, and a few of toys for Hope. Joshua, on the other hand, couldn't shake a nagging sense of worry. This was Hope's first trip to the beach, and he couldn't help but fret about her well-being.

"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Joshua asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yes Josh, she will!!" Seokmin back hugged him and comforted him.

Joshua took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay," he said. "I guess I'm just being a little overprotective."

"It's understandable, love," Seokmin said.

However, Hope's babbles and innocent smiles quickly lifted their mood. Her babbles filled the room, bringing warmth to their hearts. Meanwhile, Joshua couldn't help but worry about their precious little one.

At JeongCheol's House :

"Yaaaahhhh!!!! LEE CHAN wake up you brat!!" Seungcheol yelled while entering his so-called guestroom to wake his favourite child up.

"Who said he is my favourite?" *side eye to the author*

"I never did" *avoiding the eye contact*

"Nevermind" *he sighed*

"Wake up you dinosaur!" Suengcheol pulled him out of bed. "Ok! OK I am up, now please stop yelling"


At 5 pm everyone reached the beach house.

"Yayayyaya! We are finally here" Dino started jumping around with Hannah Haneul and Seungkwan being a baby joining the cult too.

As everyone was busing admiring the twins and two fake toddlers.

A FEW MOMENTS LATER.....(inserts Felix's voice)

"Dada, when are we going inside the water?" Hannah tugged Seuncheol's sleeves.

"Soon bubbles" he ruffled their hairs.

On the carpet spread down the floor, Baby Hope and Baby Byeol were playing with the twins and their toys were all over the carpet.

"Looks like you two are having fun" Seungcheol chuckled as he sat on the couch.

"They're so tiny and cute!" Hannah cooed at their cuteness.

Byeol just kicked her legs and arms in excitement whereas Hope kept blabbering.

"Look, Haneul! I can stack these blocks high!" Hannah giggled again.

As the twins continue their playful banter, Hope sits between them, babbling happily and reaching out for the colourful blocks.

 "Da-da-dd" Hope babbled.

"Did she just...?" Seungkwan froze.

"She said, Dada! Joshie! Seokminie!" Seungkwan yelled in happiness.

"What?" Joshua came out of the kitchen.

"You must be hearing things Kwannie," Jihoon said.

"Nooo Istg I heard her" turns towards Joshua "Trust me! Believe me"


"Josh, did you hear that?" Jeonghan said looking at Joshua who just froze.

Seokmin's heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened in amazement. He couldn't believe his ears. His tiny princess had just spoken his name! Overwhelmed with joy and pride, he scooped Hope into his arms and showered her with kisses.

Beside him, Joshua's eyes welled up with tears of happiness. He had witnessed the countless sleepless nights and tender moments that Seokmin had dedicated to Hope's care. To hear her call out to her father for the first time filled him with an indescribable sense of fulfilment.

"Our little girl... she said her first word" Joshua choked on his words.

Hannah and Haneul squealed with delight and clapped their hands, their hearts filled with love for their baby sister. "Hope said her first word!" they exclaimed, beaming with pride.

Byeol, the youngest of the group, gurgled and waved her tiny fists in the air as if to join in the celebration.

Mingyu fake coughed to drag everyone's attention towards him and Wonwoo. He held his husband's waist and said "We decided to adopt a baby too." 

As he announced it Wonwoo felt so shy by Seungkwan's teasing.

The atmosphere was filled with some 'Aws', 'giggles' and mostly 'Love'

LOVE they have for each other. The same love when they felt like they were home.



HEy hey hey I am back with an update and hope you all are doing well!

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My life now-a-days :

My life now-a-days :

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