~ The butterfly~

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Y/n stood in front of her locker. It was dark now. The hallway was completely empty and the only source of light was coming from the windows. Y/n shoved her things in her bag, Stiles words not leaving her mind. It kept bothering her.
Were they really not gonna be able to help Malia?

For a while Y/n wanted everything to go back to normal. Have a normal life without having to worry about the supernatural but now for some reason she wanted to help Malia. She had come to the realization that she couldn't escape all of this and now this was their thing. Helping people was something that she wanted to do but not like this.

Slamming her locker closed. Y/n looked around scrunching her eyebrows as she wondered where Stiles and Scott had left. Stepping away from her locker, Y/n looked around the hallway seeing no one but for some reason that creeped her out.

For a while now, Y/n avoided being alone. She was scared of what might happen if she ended up alone.
I mean, she had done so many things to kept the spirits away. Potions, spell, rituals even putting bells everywhere around her house to keep them away but no. They still wouldn't leave her alone.

Pulling out her phone, Y/n stood in the middle of the hallway texting Stiles before a noise caught her attention.

Furrowing her eyebrows confused, Y/n looked up to the noise of water dripping. Y/n felt her heart skip a beat. Taking a step forward, she slowly followed the sound finding herself in an empty classroom.

Y/n entered the room being careful with her surroundings before her eyes landed on the ceiling. Her eyebrows furrowed, staring at the black liquid that dripped down from the ceiling.

" Get rid of it." Suddenly a voice was heard behind her.

Quickly snapping her head towards that direction, Y/n found a girl standing there. The same girl she had being seeing. Her long dark hair that almost went to her knees, the long light dress that she wore and that look in her eyes as if she was challenging her.

" What?" Y/n asked.

" Get rid of it.." She repeated.

Y/n stared at her as she noticed her glare garden before she raised her hand feeling herself being pushed. Y/n's eyes widened as she felt herself fall trying to reach out for the girl before the room around her darkened.

Expecting her head to hit the ground, Y/n suddenly felt a liquid hit her back as she let out a gasp. Y/n felt her heart racing as she looked down finding herself in a room filled a black liquid surrounding her. She slowly stood up, seeing how it had drenched her clothes.

She was confused. Her heart was beating violently as she looked around trying to find anything but nothing.

The sound of the liquid moving was heard as she took a step forward. Looking down at her hands, Y/n eyes widened at the sight of her hands shaking in the strange black color. She couldn't understand what this was. It scared her.

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