001. rebellion meetings

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—— rebellion meetings ——

misere rebellibus - mercy on the rebels

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misere rebellibus - mercy on the rebels

CAMILA TOOK A DEEP BREATH, wringing her hands together while trying to calm her raging nerves. Her eyes flickered shut for a moment and she used her sense of hearing to calm herself. It seemed to work as she felt her thoughts quieten down and her shoulders relax, as the soft tweets of birds and whispers of Chandrilla's winds fill her ears and her clustered head.

She had to do this. This meeting was important. She had to do it.

She had to do it..

She had to do it...

Camila repeats the same five words to herself as she opens her eyes once again and releases her hands from each other. She nods confidently to herself before walking forward, around the corner and towards the set of double doors at the end of the corridor. She held herself with confidence and grace, as usual, with a determined look in her eye and chin held high.

With a sharp nod to the two guards, the doors of the entrance hall open up and she strides into the room, her own trusted set of guards either side of her as she slows her pace slightly and walks to her seat at the large table that stood in the middle of the room, smiling slightly and nodding at those that greeted her upon her entrance. She stopped beside her seat, and sat down, gracefully, next to Senator Riyo Chuchi and Senator Bail Organa, her guards stepped away to the outside of the room, open eyed, grey masks doing nothing to hide their stoic and guarding expressions.

Camila didn't include herself in the conversation that the two Senators were in, only greeting them in professional silence.

The polite clearing of a throat and clink of a spoon against glass, caused all quiet conversations to stop and everyone's attention to turn to the head of the table where Senator Mon Mothma stood.

"Welcome Senators, Rebellion sympathisers, and everyone. Thank you for coming."

Camila took another deep breath, clasping her hands together, tightly under the table as the important rebellion meeting began. She silently repeated her mantra to herself as she focused on what the Senator was saying. The rebellion was important but dangerous. And this was something she needed to do. It was necessary. For Padmè. For Alba. For everyone that needed their help.

About three hours later, the meeting had finished and Camila rose from her seat, her thoughts lingering on the things discussed in the meeting. Although she'd remained silent for the duration of it, Camila had listened intently with many thoughts on the matters at hand. Senator Mothma had spoken of Saw Gerrera's movements and locations and of important doings in the Empire. They were starting to faze out clones in exchange for new TK troopers and many people had been mysteriously disappearing.

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