004. cyar'ika, please

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— cyar'ika, please —

venia non semper facile est dare - forgiveness isn't always easy to give

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venia non semper facile est dare - forgiveness isn't always easy to give

CAMILA WAS SAT IN HER ROOM, late at night, brushing through her brunette curls. They'd arrived home from Coruscant that morning and she was tired. Alba took a while to get to bed and Camila had a lengthy holo call with her sister a couple hours ago that had just finished. She'd told Hazel all about the bill and had ranted on for ages. She was very grateful for her sister who's comforted her for ages

Once again, Camila was thankful for the peace and quiet as she slowly felt the tension leave her body while she soothingly brushed her hair. She sat at her vanity, various hair and skin products on the desk and the warm mirror lights illuminating her room.

Soft, relaxing tunes filtered through the room, barely above volume one on her datapad. She reached her hand out to smooth her thin, but fluffy, dressing gown over the satin night dress she wore underneath.

Sadly, the peace didn't last long.

Camila was just holding the front strands of her hair to the back of her head in a hypothetical notion, when a noise in the living room halted her actions.

Her eyes darted to the door, waiting for it to open and for it to just be Alba.

She waited two long minutes but no one appeared. Instead the sound of someone bumping into the couch and a soft curse took its place. Whoever was in her living room, sure as hell wasn't Alba. And they definitely weren't quiet.

Camila rose to her feet, gently pushing the comfy chair back. She tightened the dressing gown around her and stuffed her feet in a pair of slippers at the end of her bed.

The Senator carefully walked towards the door, stopping at the cabinet that held photos and personal items on top, reaching behind it and pulling a blaster pistol out of its holster. She always kept her jewelled handled spitfire blasters either on her person on in her room at all times.

Camila slowly cocked the blaster, removing the safety, making it ready to shoot if necessary.

She snuck out of her room, her slippers making no noise as she crept towards the living room. She stopped at the large, archway that linked the bedroom hallway to the living room. Camila pressed herself against the wall and carefully peered around the tall pillar.

Someone in a brown cloak, hood up, was looking around the room, trying to navigate their way in the dark without having to turn the lights on. They weren't doing the best of jobs.

Camila heard them let out a frustrated sigh before they pulled a torch out from under their cloak and turned it on, flashing it around the room. She immediately backed against the wall in order to avoid the white light.

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