003. coruscant

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— coruscant —

nisi defectum lucrarin – except failure in order to win

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nisi defectum lucrarin – except failure in order to win

CAMILA WATCHED ALBA AS HER daughter read aloud. The young girl held a children's book in her hands and Nanij followed the words with her finger. The mother watched them from the other side of the main area of her ship, the Starbird .

The Senator always found herself calmer when she watched her daughter. When she was near her daughter. It was a comfort. Camila was forever thankful that she was granted Alba. That the little girl had come into her life, and that she had changed it. Alba had been the light in Camila's darkness. Alba was born during a difficult time for Camila. She was losing contact with Alba's father, the war had been at its peak. And then Alba was born and Camila's fire was restored. Fire to continue. Hope.

The journey to Coruscant was longer than it was to Chandrilla. With Chandrilla in the neighbouring system it didn't take more than a standard hour through hyperspace. With Coruscant it was different.

Naravi IV was in the Inner Rim, like Chandrilla, and Coruscant was one of the Core Worlds. It was the centre of the galaxy. Coordinates; 0-0-0. So it took half a standard day to get there. It didn't help that not even an hour after she was due to arrive, she would have to enter the Grand Convocation Chamber, or the Senate Chamber. Yarva's message had been to inform her of the bill voting being changed from tomorrow morning to this afternoon. Camila wasn't happy. It meant she probably wouldn't get back to her Senate apartment until midnight, possibly later, depending on how long the bill would take. She really wasn't happy.

She was pulled from her thoughts when her guards' captain entered from the cockpit.

He bows his head before addressing her, "M'lady we are just about to come out of hyperspace." He tells her.

"Thank you, Captain." Camila says. She nodded at Nanij, who'd looked over at her when the Captain had entered. The nanny gently took the book from Alba, the young girl stopping her reading and securing herself in her seat.

Camila smiled softly at her daughter before the pull of the ship as it exited hyperspace caused her to look away. A few minutes later, they entered Coruscant's atmosphere and Camila was stood by the doors, Talia and Inej behind her and Alba and Nanij behind them. Guards stood around the sides and at the back with Captain Narvor, just to her side but slightly in front.

The brunette felt the ship land on one of Coruscant's many landing pads. A couple minutes later, the boarding ramp lowered and the group made their way off the ship. They boarded the speeder that awaited them before making their way towards the Senatorial building in the centre of Coruscant.

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