the call

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So...... about that. I did use that card. And little did I know I would be walking out of a lingerie store with 35 suuuuuuuper exspensive lingerie sets.

I still re-read the note everytime I have a chance.
How in the fuck did I end up in this?
I think wanting to dissapear. But then again. I did also want to understand the hell aspect of it right?

I sigh deeply as I look at the sky. I look at the necklace around my neck. I tried to take it off. But when I did, all it did was show up on my neck again.

Oh well, I was a toy anyway. At least now I'm getting paid nicely for it.
I think. I take a puff off the vape I had bought yesterday.

"You know that's not good for you right?"
A voice says behind me.
I roll my eyes.
"And why's that?"
I ask, knowing I'm about to fuck someone up if they try to lecture me.
Today is not the day bitch.
I turn.

"Because, it just makes it harder for a deamon to not want you."
"Hey pretty thing."
He says wrapping his arm around me.

I say. I look at him in the light and I'm floored. Suit, tie, hair, piercings, even a tail and horns his 6'7" frame stretching at the seams of his suit.
I pull him into an alley by where we where.

"What the fuck!??!?!?!"
"Why are you walking around like that?!?!?! What the fuck is this?!"
I ask ponting at his tail and horns.
He laughs.

My. God. Ayayayayayay nonononono. We are not liking this we are angry. We are pissed!
I think mentally lecturing myself.

He puts a hand up to his face and shakes his head.

"Ayyy mi Diablo."
He says as he smiles.
"Your cute when your in denial."
He says it like a teenager.

I ask confused.

He smiles.
"I can hear what's in that pretty little head of yours."
He says tracing my cheek with a tan finger.

I panic.
"Can all of the others?"
I ask mildly scared.

He winks.
"No. Just me. See, I'm the one that made the deal with you so your MY responsibility. Meaning I need to answer all your questions, and help you schedule shit. Basically Like a demon secretary for you even though I'm a higher rank than you."
He says very matter of factly.

"Im sorry...rank?"
I ask deeply confused.
He smiles.
"You see, you sold your soul, your now a part of the hierarchy."
He says with a shrug.

I hold my head looking down, still wrapping my head around the fact that a Demon man with a tail and horns is telling me these things, but also admiring the view of EXTREMELY toned thighs.

I sigh.
"Sooooo what now?"
I ask looking at him while leaning against the wall my bags on my arms.

He smiles.
"Well first, we get you out of that hovel of an apartment."
He says matter of factly.

I'm confused.

"You heard me."


He smirks.
"Already covered. All the way from your nicknacks to your toys."
He says with a wink.

I go a deep red as I think of him going through my shit.
I say dragging my hand along my face in a frustrated tone.
"Do what you need to do."
I say bluntly.

He smiles and grabs my hand pushing me against the wall but instead of hitting the wall, I'm falling.

✨️Authors Note✨️
Hello my beautiful people. How am I doing? Well, hold onto your butts things are gonna get wild in this next bit.
Stay hydrated, positive, and horny my Lovlies! ❤️😆

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