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I sit up with a sharp breath as I don't recognize my surroundings.

Where the fuck am i?!

I struggle to breathe as i survey my situation.

Hell... miguel... demon... new room...

I sigh deeply.

I'm okay. Im here.
I think as I feel my heart beat.

I flop back down and breathe as I feel tears roll down my face.

Damned night terrors.
I think.

I blink at the new ceiling, the darkness feeling suffocating, wrapping around me like a straight jacket getting tightened by the minute.

Deciding to walk around and try clearing my head, I step out of my room. I walk down the hall and watch as the decor becomes more elaborate and dark. Walking through hall after hall, I see biblical account paintings, skulls, roses, fire, and alot of red and black.

I walk to where I remember the kitchen being, praying there was some water. I half expected the tap to be running lava instead of water. But no. There was water, and it was surprisingly cool.

I look at the glass suspiciously, sniffing it to see if it had drugs infused or some shit.

"The water is fine sweet thing."
The dark voice makes my neck prickle as I immediately recognized it as Miguel.

"You sure your not gonna pull the old; 'drug-n'-fuck' card?"
I ask suspiciously, leaning on the counter in my short pajama shorts, a tank top and my thigh high socks. I eye the water like it could be poison.

"Hey, your the one creeping around."
He says with a smart ass tone.
I glare at him with a pointed look as I pop aa hip in a 'bitch please' face.

He rolls his dark eyes and sighs.
He says in a deep vibrato that sent a nuke of butterflies to my core by pussy postal.
He leans down to be eye level with me, cocking his head.

"If you wanna see it as a way to get your sex in; if your successful, I'm successful. I won't hurt you because it'll damage me as well."
He says matter of factly.

"But if you look at it like more than sex thing?"
He stalks towards me, rounding and letting his huge veiny hand slope the circular table.

"I saw someone that needed help. So I helped her."
He places his hands on either side of the counter behind my body, bringing his face close to mine, my face half covered by the glass of water.

"In a Strange, Sadistic, Obsessive and VERY spur of the moment 'I-want-her-so-bad' way? Yeah. I helped."
He says with a smirk.

"But either way, we're tied together now."
He says with a smirk. He plucks the water from my hand and downs it like a shot.

He says leaning into me further.
"Still think it's dangerous?"
He says waving the cup with one hand and lightly setting it on the counter.

"It's not the water I'm worried about."
I say. I drop under his arm. I walk to the sink, fill the glass, drink it, and set it in the sink.

I walk away from the tall daemon who either doesn't know that he causes my skin to prickle, my breath to shorten, my panties to dampen, and my heart to race like a hunted animal. Or he already knows what effect he has on me. He probably does.
But to be honest, I don't think I'm ready to trust myself around that mouth watering deamon anymore than the world's nation's with a missile.

I slink back into my bed, and now I look at the roof with a dizzy head, still smelling him.
Jesus fucking christ. How does he smell like that?
Mangos, musk, and cigarettes float around my senses.

The Demon And His Little DevilWhere stories live. Discover now