Bitter rival

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Nat woke up to her alarm, first day of college classes. She got up and got changed before doing her makeup. She lived in a big apartment with most of her friends she went to high school with, all of them were on the girls on the soccer team. Jackie and Shauna shared a room, and so did Tai and van, Nat and Laura lee both had their own rooms, although Nat's was bigger.

Nat headed out of her room when she was ready and walked over to the kitchen where she sat down next to van at the island. Jackie ran through the kitchen grabbing a handful of cheerios
"I'm running late guys, see you later" she shouted in between mouthfuls
"Love you" shouted Shauna, they had started dating in the last year of high school, same with Tai and Van. Everyone else collectively said their goodbyes and Jackie left in a rush.

The rest of the girls ate their breakfast, talking about the classes they had and their first practice as a team. They all played together in high school and got scholarships when they won nationals. Nat looked across at their kitchen clock, shit, she was running late.

The blonde walked to her room and grabbed her bag before heading out the front door,
"Bye guys" she shouted
A second collective round of goodbyes were said before Nat walked out and started heading to her music class. After a short walk to campus she arrived and opted to sit at the back.

Her class went by quickly enough, Nat had a free couple of hours so she decided to go back to the apartment to see if any of her roommates were free.

When she arrived there was an envelope stuck to there door with some brown tape, Nat peeled the tape back and took the envelope off the door, on the front it wrote
For the residents of apartment 13
Nat took it inside with her and was greeted by Jackie and Van sitting on the couch.
"Hey Nat, how was your first class?" Asked Jackie
"Good thanks, you?"
"It's was great thanks!"
"There was a letter taped to the door" said Nat
"Maybe it's a death threat" laughed Van
"Well open it" said Jackie
"Shouldn't we wait for LL, Shauna and Tai?" Asked Nat
"Come on just open it" Said van
"Oh fuck off" replied Nat pulling the envelope open.
Inside was a typed letter, it looked quite official.
Nat quickly read through the letter
"What the fuck" said Nat
"This is bullshit"
"What is it?" Asked Jackie
"Because there are over four of us living here he's demanding we pay more rent"
"What the hell!" Shouted Jackie
"How much more?" She asked
Nat didn't say anything, instead she turned the letter around and pointed at the figures written in bold
"Shit" said Van
"What are we gonna do? We can't kick someone out"
Said Jackie
"I'll ask for more hours" said Nat, she worked at a record store and didn't really mind her job, she liked being surrounded by the music.
"Yeah me too" said Van, she worked at a pizza place a couple of blocks away from campus.
"Calm down guys, I'm sure we can talk this over with the landlord. Jackie pulled out her phone and dialled the number written on the letter for assistance. She walked into her room and Nat waited in anticipation.

Soon later Jackie walked out nervously.
"what happened?" Asked Van
"Well it was going well at first"
"What do you mean at first?" Asked Nat
"Well I said some things, and he said some things, and he upped our rent even more..."
"Jackie!" Shouted Van annoyed
"Calm down, he said we could just get a new room mate or something to help pay!"
"And where would be put this so called roommate?" Asked Van
"Nat has the biggest room, we could easily split her room into two" said Jackie
"Fuck no" replied Nat
"I need my space!"
"Well it's either that or we get kicked out" said Van
"So I'm just gonna have to share a room with some complete rando?!" Asked Nat
"No, I mean, I heard Mari is looking for a new apartment" said Jackie
Nat rolled her eyes, "fine, but I swear if she does one thing wrong she's done"
"Ok, fine" said Jackie

The girls carried on talking about their classes and practice until Nat needed to go to her next class, she had Art. Once again the blonde headed to campus, this time walking towards her art room. When she arrived she sat down and was told to take out her sketchbook. Nat didn't like art as much as music but it was ok, and soon over.

Nat walked out of the classroom and was just wondering weather to eat on campus or off when a pair of hands wrapped around her. She knew who it was.
"Hey LL" said Nat, not returning the hug
"Hi Nat!"
"We're all going to go and check out the campus food hall, are you coming?" The taller blonde asked
"Yeah, let's go"
Nat wasn't as close with Laura lee as she was the rest of her roommates. They just never really hung out. The two girls started walking to to the food hall
"So I hear we're getting a new roommate!" Said Laura lee
"Uh yeah"
"That's exciting!"
"I guess so"

Soon they arrived at the food hall, and looked around until they spotted their roommates sitting at a table in the corner. Nat and Laura lee walked over to them and Nat dropped off her bag before heading to the buffet style counters.

She grabbed a plate but wasn't feeling overly hungry, so just grabbed a slice of pizza and a Diet Cola before paying and heading back to the table.
"Are you guys ready to meet the rest of the team?" Asked Jackie
"We will already know basically everyone" said Nat
"Yeah, and the team list we got only shows two new names" said Van
"What were they again?" Asked LL
"Lexi something and Lacey jones I think it was" replied Shauna
The conversation continued on until Everyone slowly departed to their next classes. Nat had wood work with Van next so they could walk to class together.
"You ready for practice after this?" Asked Nat
"Hell yeah!" Replied Van enthusiastically
When they arrived the two girls sat next to each other, talking and taking notes all class. And after headed to practice.

The changing room was huge and really nice, there was a blue poster on the wall that read "go Yellowjackets" on it. Nat pulled out her new uniform. It was blue with yellow accents and a patch of their mascot in the top left corner. Her number was written on the back in a bold yellow font. The top was paired with some blue shorts. Nat much preferred this uniform to her previous one from high school.

She quickly gets changed along with the rest of the team and they head out onto the pitch. It was huge.
Their captain coach Martinez soon called them over into a circle.
"Hello girls, we're not going to spend hours on introductions so we're gonna go around saying our names and positions I'm sure there will be plenty of time for team bonding later. Jackie, as the captain you can start.
The girls went around and introduced themselves until it got to Nat
"Hey I'm Nat and I play wide midfielder"
The circle carried around until Gen was interrupted during her go with a
"sorry I'm late"

Second fanfic!! I'm really exited to get into this one and I'll try to update every day if I can! Hope you liked it so far!

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