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Lottie woke up to her alarm and got ready before going downstairs for breakfast, one good thing about staying in a 5 star hotel was the food.

After breakfast Lottie went back up to get room to get her stuff ready for school. The tall brunette sat down on the edge of her bed and pulled her phone out of her pocket before opening instagram. Her message from the previous night marked as read. Lottie was so mad that she tapped out first, ugh she hated Nat. She hated her attitude and she hated her stubbornness and she hated her stupid pretty smile and her annoyingly perfect eyes and- No she just hated her full stop.

Lottie grabbed her stuff and headed out to her car before driving to campus, she really needed to find a place to live soon.

When she arrived, Lottie walked to her first class, biology. She missed all her classes the previous day so this was her first collage class. Just as she walked in she saw Shauna sitting at a bench next to Van. The two girl spotted Lottie standing in the doorway and waved her over.
"Hey guys" greeted Lottie
"Hi!" Replied Shauna
"Sit with us?" Asked Van
"Yeah, thanks" smiled the brunette, sitting down next to Shauna before pulling a notebook out of her backpack and scribbling down notes as the class dragged on. Lottie loved biology but they didn't start doing real coursework for a week or so.

Eventually they finished, and Lottie headed to a psychology lecture. Then after she had a couple of free periods, so headed so a local coffee store to do some studying. She decided to walk as it wasn't that far and when she arrived ordered a croissant and sat down at a table facing the window before pulling out her laptop.

Lottie was about 20 minutes into studying when the store bell rung, marking the door opening and instinctively Lottie looked up, shit. It just so happened that Lacey was the person walking through the door. She pretended not to notice but despite that Lacey walked over to Lottie's table and sat down.
"Hey lot"
"Oh, sorry I didn't see you, hi"
"What are you up to?" Asked Lacey
"Just, you know, like studying and stuff" replied Lottie
"Oh, ok"
This got awkward fast.
"Are you uh free tonight?" Asked Lacey
"Yeah I am"
"Would you maybe want to go to a party with me?"
"Oh um, yeah sure, why not" replied Lottie
Lacey smiled,
"Can I pick you up at 8?"
"Uh yeah, sure, I'll text you the address of where Im staying"
"Ok cool, see you then" said Lacey, walking away forgetting her coffee.

Lottie didn't really want to think about what just happened so instead finished studying. Then after she headed back to campus for Art.

Lottie arrived at her class and sat down at the back before the class started. The professor soon arrived and he started going over shading when the door opened, Lottie turned her head to see Nat standing in the doorway. Lottie looked around the class and realised the only free seat was next to her, it seemed Nat realised that too because she rolled her eyes then slouched onto the stool next to Lottie begrudgingly.

The class continued, Lottie kept Looking over at Nat and catching her eye, why was Nat looking at her? And why did it make her nervous? Ugh she hated her so much, it was like she simultaneously wanted to kiss her and slap her at the same time.  She just despised Nat so much.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer" grunted Nat
Lottie didn't realise this whole time she was Looking at Nat, shit.
"Maybe I will" Teased Lottie
"Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone!?" Asked Nat
"You sat next to me!"
"There were no other seats" returned Nat
"Girls at the back,Quiet please" interrupted their professor
The two girls said nothing after that, they just kept returning glances at each other. When the class finished the two girls both had practice, but Nat went the long way round to avoid Lottie.

Practice went smoothly and after Lottie headed back to the changing room. Everyone was talking as they were getting changed out of their uniforms. Lottie Looked up at Nat who wasn't wearing her shirt, only a black lace bra. Lottie blushed- Not because she liked Nat or anything, it was because of, uh, she was just feeling hot, it was warm in the changing room. She looked back up at Nat to see the short blonde looking back at her, also in just her bra. Nat shot her head away and Lottie ignored it, she was probably just trying to piss her off as usual.

Once Lottie was changed she headed back to the hotel and got ready for the party before texting Lacey the address and waiting. Lottie hadn't been out with Lacey properly in ages and she couldn't tell if she was excited or regretful about agreeing to go. But before she got the chance to think about it, she got a text from Lacey telling Lottie that she arrived.

Lottie headed out to the front of the hotel where she saw Lacey sitting in her car. The tall brunette jumped in the passenger seat and did up her seatbelt.
"Hey Lot"
"Hey Lacey"
"I am getting serious deja vu right now" laughed Lacey
Lottie smiled.
After some small talk, they arrived at the party. The two girls got out of the car and headed towards a big  house with people scattered on the lawn and music blasting.
Lacey slid her hand into Lottie's  and she didn't really mind, so they walked into the house hand in hand. It was reasonably busy but not as bad as Lottie was expecting, she recognised a few people, one of which being Mari who she smiled at as she passed.

Lottie and Lacey headed to the kitchen and Lacey poured them out some drinks. Whatever it was it was strong.

About half an hour later the two girls were sat on the couch laughing, it reminded Lottie of them before, when they were, well, not dating but hanging out. It didn't mean anything, they sorta just hung out, smoked, drunk and hooked up. They were just laughing over something Lacey's professor said when Lottie saw a face she recognised, it was Nat, why did she have to be everywhere? Lottie tried to ignore her but the final straw for Lottie was when she Nat started laughing with this random girl. It made her blood boil, she needed to do something. Lottie saw Nat look over at her and took her chance, she pulled her arm around Lacey's neck and pulled her in until their lips were pressed against each others. Lacey followed Lottie and placed her hand on Lottie's cheek.

Lottie looked over to where Nat was standing but she was gone, just like that. She pulled away from Lacey and got up
"I uh, need to go to the bathroom" lied Lottie, walking off to try find Nat.

I hope you liked this chapter! I'm so excited to start writing more of the this plot!

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