Chapter 18

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I intended to go to the room that I was told would be mine, but as I ran through the over-sized house, I realized that I didn't remember how to get there. I turned a corner and guessed that I was going the wrong way since nothing looked familiar, but I kept going so I wouldn't risk seeing Richard's mother again.

Passing a few startled servants, I ran until I came to the end of the hallway. There were a few doors lining the walls, but mostly it seemed deserted. I slumped into one of the nearby chairs and allowed myself to sob into my hands.

I'd been right. This place was just awful! How was I supposed to stay here and live with that woman? Would anyone else be any better? How had Richard become so kind and compassionate with a mother like that?

A hand touched my shoulder, causing me to jump. When I raised my head, Richard's concerned face loomed over me.

"Oh Richard!" I cried, launching myself into his arms, continuing to sob against his chest.

He hugged me tightly and stroked my back while murmuring soothing words.

His attempts to comfort me only made me feel guilty. As terrible as she had acted toward me, his mother was my elder and I had no business speaking to her that way. My mother would be shocked and ashamed. What would Richard say when he heard what I'd done? Undoubtedly his mother would tell him how rude and disrespectful I was at her first opportunity. And of course, that I wasn't good enough for him.

"Come." Richard led me to the nearest open door. Once inside, I realized that this must be his office. It was decorated just as splendidly as the rest of the house, but there was a large, ornate desk in the center of the room with papers scattered across the top.

After shutting the door, Richard pulled me down onto a small couch and put his arm around me while I forced myself to calm down.

"Are you alright?" he asked, once I was no longer crying.

I nodded since, physically I was fine. "I'm sorry."

"What ever for?" He watched me curiously.

"I..." I cringed. "I yelled at your mother."

"Did you really?"

"I'm sorry," I said again. "But the things she said... I couldn't help myself."

I was attempting to figure out a way of explaining myself, but abandoned the effort when I realized that Richard looked far from angry. He was actually smiling.

"What?" Utterly confused, I turned my body to see him better.

"I'm not upset with you, Cecily," he said. "I know how my mother can behave at times. She is far too outspoken and blunt, and she has been getting her way for a very long time. It's good for her to be put in her place once in a while."

"You are glad that I yelled at your mother?" I asked, incredulous.

"I wouldn't necessarily put it that way," he said. "But I am glad that you stood up to her. I can imagine that whatever you said was probably merited."

Even knowing the way his mother was, he should be a little surprised by our confrontation. I was surprised by it. Unless of course, he expected it all along.

"You knew that something like this would happen?" I guessed.

"Well, I didn't think you two would come to blows quite this quickly." He chuckled. "But I expected my mother to try to intimidate you. It is her way, after all. But I also expected - hoped really, that you would not let her."

I frowned, more confused by this place by the minute. Why was she so determined to intimidate me? I was intimidated before I even arrived, and she probably knew it. And shouldn't a woman who loves her son, attempt to tolerate his fiancee? Or at least, respect his decision?

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