Chapter 38

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Having Jeremy, Stephen, and Keira stay in my home was like a dream. In fact it was several days before I was able to wake in the morning without believing that they were just part of some elaborate fantasy I'd imagined. For the first few days, as soon as my eyes were open I'd run straight to Keira's room to make sure she was really there. She was such a light sleeper that I'd woken her each time just by opening the door to her room. After disturbing her twice, I forced myself to wait until she or one of the boys emerged from their rooms for the day.

It was wonderful to be with my family, and soon we would all be together again. I longed to see my mother and the younger boys, but I wasn't in a hurry to begin our trip home since Keira and Stephen would be returning permanently. Jeremy had enlisted in the military and had been granted the ranking of colonel. So at least, I'd be sure to have him near me for the foreseeable future.

In vain, I'd attempted to persuade the others to stay as well. Stephen had been eyeing available women at every opportunity and I'd hoped that perhaps he might decide to stay if he were to marry. Knowing that he would never stand for being supported, I suggested that Richard might be able to find him a position somewhere. Richard even said that he was willing to help, but Stephen was set on going home. It was obvious that he wanted to be going with a wife, but he planned on going either way.

I hoped that perhaps Keira's mystery man had enlisted like Jeremy, and that maybe she would be compelled to stay for him, but whether he hadn't been interested in the military or whether Keira was just that stubborn, I didn't know.

Trying to make her stay was out of the question though. My sister had grown up alright, but she hadn't changed that much. She had always fought against being forced to do anything. She would do the exact opposite of whatever you wanted her to do, simply to be stubborn.

No, I would have to think of something else. The first step was to find out who the man was. Jeremy and Stephen hadn't let up on their teasing, but they also hadn't given me any specifics, and Keira certainly hadn't offered any.

Maybe I really should enlist Charlotte. When there was something she wanted to know, she was as persistent as Keira was stubborn. If nothing else, it would be extremely entertaining to see them square off against one another.

I approached the nursery and a sudden burst of laughter erupted from the room. Smiling, I peered through the doorway and, just as I knew I would, found my sister playing with Samuel. If the other children weren't occupied outside, I knew they'd be joining right in. They absolutely loved their aunt, and it was obvious that she loved them a great deal too.

Keeping quiet, I watched for a minute as Samuel ducked behind the small table and then popped up, laughing and expecting to find Keira on the other side. She'd crouched down just as he stood up, so he missed her, but in another second, Keira jumped up with a playful roar, causing Samuel to squeal with laughter and stomp his feet excitedly.

Using his giggle fit as a distraction, she ran around the table and scooped him up into her arms, tickling his belly mercilessly. Samuel squirmed and squealed until he was upside down.

"Mama!" he shrieked, having spotted me. "Help!" He laughed hysterically.

I smiled, adoring the sight of them together.

Keira let up on her tickling as I moved into the nursery and Samuel flipped himself right-side-up.

"I don't think you were any real danger," I teased. "Did you have fun with your aunt?"

His dark curls bobbed as he nodded happily.

"I'm glad." I smoothed his wild hair. "But I'm afraid it's nap time now."

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