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So I forgot what I wrote before, and started writing this... heheh😅 uhmmm.. I'll keep this and I'll explain what happened in between the two chapters later.

(Rachel's POV)

"E-excuse me?!" I almost shouted.

"I asked where your food was?" Ira said again.

"Oh my-! Okay, look, you can't just— just- you can't just teleport into my house, and- and- after that go 'where's your food'!" I scolded.

Ira looked.. sad? Guilty?? He had some sort of pitiful and sad look on his face.

"Why not??" He asked.

"Because that's technically illegal!" I said.

"Oh." Ira let go of my arms and looked down, "I was hungry and you make good food..."

"You're hungry?! At this time of day- not even- at this time of night?!" I asked, shocked.


"Do you even get fed?!?"

"The only thing I've had today was like, three stupid octopus balls." Ira said crossing his arms, still looking down.

"Three octopus..." I stared at him in shock, "Ye- yeah, I'll go make you some food... Just.. go.. sit down.. or something..."

I walked over to the kitchen and thought, What in the world?! What does he mean 'he only had three—' Gosh! That- that is stupid! How does someone live like that!? No wonder he's always mad!

"H-hey, uhm, do you want the same thing that I gave you before?" I quietly shouted to Ira.

Ira teleported in front of the kitchen and look around.

"Yeah.. That would be fine, thanks." Ira smiled at me—

He teleported back to wherever he was sitting- and, I SWEAR I ALMOST HAD A HEARTATTACK!!

He smiled. At me.

I felt myself start blushing and tried to shake it off and ignore it.

I started making the (whatever it's called, I, the Author, forgot😅) and tried not to think.

He can't just smile after that— I- I can't even.

(Time skip to later🤧✨)

"Are you just going to sit here for the rest of the night or..?" I asked after Ira finished eating.

"I don't know, whatever you want me to do. I kind of do owe you a lot now, I guess.." Ira said.

"I.. don't think my parents would be happy if I let a boy stay at their house.." I said.

"Your parents? Where are they?" Ira asked, genuinely curious.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. My mom's out of town to work at a hospital a little farther away, for.. some reason she didn't tell me. And my dad's going to be across the sea for the next month." I explained.

"So... do they have to know if I stay the night?" Ira asked.

"I- but- I don't want to lie to them.." I said, astounded.

That sounds absurd! Why would I lie to my parents about that?!

"It's not lying, it's just not telling them." Ira said scheme-ishly.

But isn't that wrong?? I really wanted to ask questions about how that's not lying, but I didn't want to make him feel bad.

He also looked like he really didn't want to go back to-.. wherever it was he lived.

"Okay." I said.

"Really?" Ira asked, failing to hide the happiness in his eyes.

"Yeah, we have a guest room down here." I said.

Ira smiled at me, again.

I swear, if he doesn't stop smiling at me-..

"Thanks." Ira said, still smiling at me.


"Yeah.." I said, "The guest room is down that hall, second on the left.."

"Thank you, again." Ira said, getting up.

"I'll be upstairs, last door on the right if you need me.." I said as I walked upstairs.

*            *          *

I laid on my bed and thought about what happened.

I eventually started processing what happened before I made Ira the food.

Wait- wait- everything went to fast—

Did he kiss me?!?

Sorry, for the short chapter, I just wanted to update this story soon, and I hadn't in awhile.

I'm going to try to change the cover soon, since it doesn't fit the story, and maybe edit this a little.

Thanks for reading!

Lemonn out!

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