"What Just Happened?!"

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(Rachel's POV)

(One hour ago)

"I want you." Ira said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean you can't tell anyone about this."

"About what?!" I almost shouted.

Ira floated to the ground and dragged me towards him.

"What are you-?" I was about to say, but only ended up a blushing mess.

Ira had lightly kissed me and immediately pulled back.

This took me forever to process.

(The next morning)

(Ira's POV)

I had been awake for who knows how long, and just sat in the bed trying to remember why I wasn't in the hideout.

Should I just teleport back?

I heard the tiniest knock on the door.

"Hey, are you up?" Rachel asked walking in.

That's why I'm here, right.

"No. I'm mentally dead inside." I responded, lightly blushing at what I had done the night before.

"That's too bad." Rachel said, "Do you at least want breakfast?"

"Maybe I'm alive enough to do that.."

I saw Rachel smile slightly as she walked out the room.

I grabbed a pillow and shoved my face into it.

Why?! Why'd I do that yesterday?! And why in the world does her smile have to be so pretty?!

I knew I was probably really red at this point.

(Rachel's POV)

I had been making scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, when Ira came into the kitchen looking a little flushed.

"Good morning. Are you alive yet?" I asked in a joking manner.

"Maybe.." Ira said, then hugged me.

"Why are you hugging me?" I asked, now blushing.

"I'm tired."

That response didn't really make sense, but I decided to just leave him be.

It wouldn't do any wrong to leave him there, and it probably wouldn't do much good if I told him to stop.

I finished cooking the eggs and bacon, and was trying to figure out the nicest way to get Ira off me.

"Hey, uhm, I kind of need to grab some plates and forks.." I said.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry.." Ira said as he let go of me.


(Ira's POV)

I walked over to the table and sat down.

Rachel came by and placed some food in front of me.

It looked like eggs and some sort of meat.

"What kind of meat is this?" I asked.

".. Don't-.. don't tell me you don't know what bacon is?!" Rachel asked.

"Bacon? I've heard that before.." I mumbled to myself.

"It's really strips of pork." Rachel said.

"I like pork.." I said absently.

"Most people like bacon, so you should like this."

After I had tried the food, I immediately devoured the entire thing.

How is everything Rachel does or makes so perfect?!

I could tell Rachel was staring at me, and I just sat there, staring at my empty plate.

"Thanks.." I said.

"They don't feed that often, do they?" Rachel asked in a sort of sad tone.

I didn't respond. I didn't want to. That was something I never talked about.

"Do you want more?" Rachel asked.

I could see her smiling in the corner of my eye.

"If.. if that's okay." I said after a second.

"Yeah, of course it is." Rachel said.

She grabbed my plate and headed back into the kitchen.

I saw she still had a little food on her plate.

(Rachel's POV)

I came back into the dining room with Ira's food.

"Ira!" I almost laughed.

He started eating the rest of my food and immediately looked guilty at being caught.

"Heh.." Ira said, "sorry.."

I started laughing and placed his good on the table.

"Why are you laughing?" Ira asked, obviously shocked.

"Nothing, that's just.." I smiled, "I didn't expect it."


"You don't have to apologize." I  said.

"But, that- it was your food. And I- I knew it was wro-"

"I don't care." I scoffed, crossing my arms, "I have more in the kitchen, and it's not your fault you're not fed all the time."

"Really?" Ira's eyes beamed up at me.

"Well, eat the rest of it before I change my mind." I thought for a minute, "But if you go back into the kitchen, save a little bit for my little brother."

I lied about Rory being my little brother, but Ira didn't know that.

If he has no idea that I'm Glitter Diamond, I might be able to make him less.. villainy.

"Thanks, again." Ira smiled.


(Rory's POV)

I can't believe Rachel let a villain a- a Mercenare! Stay over!!

They're our enemies!

Rachel said what was going on this morning, and said that if I wanted to come down, I had to be in my human form.

Too bad for her! I'm not going downstairs until he leaves!

And Rachel won't be happy if I don't eat breakfast!

I listened to what was going on downstairs, and heard a lot of laughter.

I don't like it!

What if I tell the girls Rachel has a Mercenare at the house! They'll be so mad!

Then Rachel will have to send him away!

That's just what I'll do! I'll tell them!

I opened the window and flew out towards Maya's house.

I would get her on my side and warn all the others, and bring them to Maya's house!

I can't let this Mercenare get his way!

I was switching a lot of POVs in this chapter, but whatever.

Thanks for reading!

Lemonn out!

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