(Third person POV)
The girls were walking down the sidewalk from the ice cream shop, chatting happily.
"Rachel's brothers are nice." Mackenzie was saying, "But the other one, Ryan? Him. I think he's a little off.."
"He just doesn't like talking that much." Maya smiled.
"He's really nice you get to know him!!" Clara chimes in.
"I hope so." Mackenzie laughed.
"Why are you guys not worried about Rachel having Ira at her house?!" Natalie shouted out of nowhere.
"Because we don't have to?" Maya said, confused, "Rachel's smart enough to take care of both herself and Ira."
"But what if he turns her evil?!"
"Rachel's too good for that." Clara smiled calmly.
"Pshh.. too good for that..." Natalie scoffed.
A car pulled up by the sidewalk and Sebastian came out.
"Miss Clara." He said, opening the back car door.
"Goodbye, friends!! I'll see you later!" Clara smiled, hugging everyone bye.
"Bye Clara!!" Maya shouted.
"Bye!!" Mackenzie said as well.
"See you later..." Natalie said.
Clara drove off and Mackenzie and Maya were talking the whole way to Natalie's house.
"Bye Natalie!!" Maya hugged Natalie.
"See you later!" Mackenzie waved goodbye.
When Natalie's house was out of sight, Mackenzie said, "Do you think Rachel likes Ira?"
"Hmm? Oh, I don't know, but I don't think it could hurt if she did." Maya smiled.
"No, but we would have to hide it from Natalie." Mackenzie said.
"Yeah, I know it'll be hard for you to do that, Maya..." Mackenzie groaned, "I promise we can work it out, though."
"Yeah! Of course we will!" Maya smiled, "Hey, let's head over to Rachel's for a little?"
Maya knocked on Rachel's front door and opened it.
"Hello!!" Maya said, happily.
"Uh-!" Rachel exclaimed, "Uhm.."
Mackenzie and Maya blinked and stared for a second.
Rachel was hugging Ira in the middle of the dining room.
"Aw, that's cute!" Maya said.
"Tch.. Glitter Brats.." Ira mumbled.
"Don't call my friends that!" Rachel scolded.
Mackenzie leaned over to Maya, and whispered, "I've never once heard him say sorry."
"Me neither." Maya whispered back.
"How long are you staying here?" Mackenzie asked Ira.
"Uh? Oh.. I don't know— wait, does it matter to you anyway?!" Ira yelled.
"Calm down." Rachel said.
"Whatever.." Ira grunted.
Mackenzie grabbed Maya and dragged her over to the living room.
"What's up?" Maya asked.
"He's a whole different person around her.." Mackenzie said.
"Yeah." Maya replied.
(Rachel's POV)
Well, that was weird.
I heard Ira mumble something in an angry tone, but I just went back to reading my book.
"Why are you friends with those Glitter Girls anyway??" Ira asked.
"I grew up with Maya, then she became friends with Mackenzie, so I ended up being her friend too." I answered.
"Why??" I asked, out of curiosity.
"Nothing." Ira walked upstairs.
"Whatcha reading?" Maya asked, coming back into the dining room.
"Pride & Prejudice." I said.
"Ohh! I remember that one! That's your favorite, right?" Maya asked.
"Yeah.." I said, a little flustered.
"I thought so. You don't mind if I grab a snack?" Maya asked.
"Go for it."
"Maya! You just had ice cream!" Mackenzie laughed.
"I'm still hungry!!" Maya shot back.
"If you just had ice cream, at least eat healthy." I groaned.
(Natalie's POV)
How can they still trust Rachel? She helped a villain!! It's against Glitter Warrior code!!
Then she let him stay over! And he wasn't even hurt!
How can they not see how wrong this is?!
..at least I know Rory's on my side, he can help me. It'll also be better if he always has an eye on Rachel.
... but what will Ira do if his teammates knew about him hanging out with Rachel?
-But he still doesn't know Rachel's Glitter Diamond...
Would that blow her cover? She could easily defeat him..
Ugh!! Why is this so hard!? Why'd Rachel have to help Ira in the first place!?
Is she stupid?! He's a villain!! He'll most likely attack her behind her back! And she wouldn't even realize until it's too late!!
I have to do something about this!
(Ira's POV)
Stupid Glitter Brats.. always ruining everything.
I just wish they'd leave me alone for once.
"Hey, Ira!" Raymond yelled.
"You should play hide and seek with us!"
"What's that?" I asked.
"'What's that?' Have you been living under a rock?" Raymond laughed, "It's easy, come on!"
I basically have.

Figuring Out Love
FanfictionWhat if Ira had no clue Rachel and Glitter Diamond were the same person? Even after his amnesia. What if Rachel, off the battlefield, fell in love with Ira, but had to play his enemy on the battlefield? How would their teammates react if they found...