The Pillow Talk Job

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The two of us were still playfully kissing each other when heard  a loud banging on the door. Both of us tried to ignore it given the physical state we were both in. Neither one of us wanted to take a rain check, and we'd already been interrupted so many times already.

"Go away!" I shouted as I tried to stifle my giggles with Elliot's lips on my neck.

"Kara open the door before Parker picks the lock!" Hardison shouted through the door sounding worried.

"I'm busy!" I shouted back as Elliot refused stop what he was doing.

"It's about your book, one of your clients!" Hardison shouted through the door as I tried to kept my composure to answer him

"Can't it wait?" I shouted while Elliot's hand made its way into my pants while I tried to keep from squeaking.

"I mean technically but Nate is pretty pissed off!" He shouted back as the door popped open, the chain now the only thing keeping them out.

"Come on!" Parker shouted rattling the door. "What are you doing in there?"

"Parker, you don't want to know, I'll deal with it in the morning!" I shouted trying to keep my voice steady as Elliot smirked at me.

"Are you having sex again?" She shouted without any shame.

"Trying to, go away!" I shouted back as she pulled the door shut groaning.

"We have to get our own place." Elliot smirked at me while I jumped squeaking, his hand still in my pants.

"Kara!" Nate's voice rang out from the door. It was obvious he was pissed leaving Elliot surrendering as I sighed.

"Go take a shower, we'll revisit this later." I pouted kissing him before buttoning my pants. Whatever it was, it was big if they were all this worked up about it.

He reluctantly left to the bedroom as I opened the door, Nate stormed in pacing back and forth, my book in his hand. I don't know how he got the original but Hardison and I would have words about it. The more important issue was Nate at the moment though.

"Is this book accurate?" Nate asked waving it around.

"It is, you weren't supposed to see that. Not with how graphic it is." I grumbled trying to snatch it back from him to no avail.

"Ian Blackpoole." He was looking at me with rage in his eyes when he said it.

"Blackpoole, I know the name, yeah he was a client I used to have, stopped seeing him around a year ago when I left for Portland. He's one of the clients I've had the longest. At least thirteen years, I'd have to look at the book to say for sure." Nate's face got even angrier with my answer as he paced.

"You saw him when you were a minor, did he know how old you were?" He asked through a clenched jaw. I'd never seen him so angry.

"Yeah, he liked the school girl outfits. He worked for some big company with rich guys so he gave out a lot of referrals." I answered hesitantly as Nate punched a hole in the wall. "Do you know him or something?"

"I.Y.S, he was the president of I.Y.S. I worked for him, he's the reason Sam died." Nate growled with rage in his voice. "Now I find out he was using my underage daughter under my nose."

"Shit, I don't know what to say right now." I muttered with my head down.

"I'm going to kill him!" Nate shouted sounding far too serious as Elliot came out in his robe concerned after hearing him punch the wall.

"Who are you going to kill?" Elliot asked on guard looking between us.

"Blackpoole." He growled with an anger I'd never seen in his eyes.

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