10 # Balancing

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Once Samuel had returned home he had spent some time to create a detailed summary of his current experiences and the state of affairs. Noting down the facts, questions and other important information to put his thoughts in order.

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- One bracelet gives you basic mental control in a hypnotised state.
- Two bracelets give you total control, even over personality.
- I get one new bracelet every day.
- I have to use one bracelet every day.
- With one bracelet, executing a command that goes against nature causes delusions.
- Control is mental and physical.
- Even with one bracelet fake memories can be created.
- With two bracelets I can see every statistic of my captive. Including every thought, aspiration, dream and their entire personality.
- The power is dangerous enough to cause harm.
- The entity in control of it seems to have chosen me specifically.
- It leaves a tattoo mark that fades quickly.
- The embedded gem can differ.
- The mental strength and seemingly their position towards me determines the time it takes to take control of a captive.
- While taking control, the captive is very vulnerable and visibly acting strange.
- The shine while taking control is nearly blinding.
- The second bracelet is even worse, it lights up the whole body temporarily.
- Commands can be given vocally as well as mentally, even over distance.
- Commands cannot be given over text.
- I can definitely change someone's sexuality with two bracelets.
- I can raise certain levels beyond normal bounds with two bracelets.
- When I plan ahead, the bracelet will appear when I need it.
- If the captive doesn't feel positive towards me, they may experience discomfort when I put the bracelet on them.
- My conviction weighs against their mental strength or hatred. This implies that the process can fail.
- Even when the process fails, the bracelet stays on. It may simply take a long whole for the control to kick in.
- Distraction during binding has a negative effect on their will.
- Seemingly impossible commands are possible.

To test:- What happens if I use it on a man?- What happens if I take myself captive?- Does it work on animals?- Just how much can I change someone's personality?- Can I cure mental illnesses?- Can I cure physical illnesses?- What are the age limits?- Can a captive take another captive for me?- What is the catch?

- Tiara: 2/2
Tiara has been modified slightly to be more promiscuous, attracted to certain girls and to be more in tune with her newfound desires.
- Lana: 1/2
Lana has been commanded to buy toys and clothes. Her memories are altered to make me look amazing at my job.
- Rianne: 1/2
Rianne is very lonely and needs some more actual help before I do anything else with her. I feel sorry for her, and I learned that I can't just be cruel that easily. She has been commanded to buy more revealing clothes for her figure. She was surprisingly already sexually attracted to me.

Reserved captives:
Me, Lana, Rianne, Rob, Richard (My boss), Herald (Tiara's Boss)

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That was probably a list that needed regular updating. For now, his plans tomorrow were to take complete control of Lana. Lana would be much easier for him to mess with, since he didn't care nearly as much about her as he did about Tiara and weirdly at this point about Rianne.

Lana had also made his life difficult enough several times so it was only natural that he had a desire to take out some of his frustrations regarding her. He mentally asked her for a report of how much she had spent, and he received a text from her with nothing but the exact monetary value: "$1,345.89"

It was a little more than he had told her initially but he wasn't complaining. She belonged to him, and so would everything she owned and did. Maybe it would be a good idea to have her support Rianne in the long term actually. Rianne didn't look like she had much spending money to herself, and while it would be useful to put a bracelet on Rob and command him to basically serve her in some way he didn't exactly like the guy and he had a feeling that wasn't going to change even with a bracelet. No, Rob was simply just more of a test subject.

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