13. Yuvraj

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"you look like a shit" shivansh said standing besides me.

"Fuck you so much" i said drinking my juice.

"Don't be rude today. It's your engagement. Btw i like the stunt you did" he said and a smile slide on his face.

"I've no idea what are you talking about"

"Funny. First you kissed her on lips then you kissed her hands today. How romantic! I can't believe you are falling for her"

I looked at him for few seconds then burst into laughter.

Me falling for her is the last things i would do.

"You're so delusional"

"Yes I'm and i am proud of that" he said with a proud face.
I roll my eyes and drink the rest of the juice.

" I think you should dance with her" he said.

"Me and dance and with her. In your dreams" i said

"Why are you so grumpy today" he asked.

"I'm not grumpy. I'm just tired and i want to sleep"

"Well, bad for you because I'm just going dance. Have a good sleep" he said with a smirk on his face.

What the fuck he is going to do.

I watched my best friend going to dance floor. He looked at me with a wide smile on his face then he went to miss Malhotra and brought her to dance floor.

What the hell. He is gonna dance with her.

Miss Malhotra hesitate firstly but then Shivansh whisper something near her ear and she start to giggle and start to dance. As I watched my best friend twirl her around the dance floor, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions churned inside me. The sight of her in his arms, laughing and smiling, felt like a dagger twisting in my gut. Part of me wanted to ignore them but the other part wanted to Storm there and drag her away from him and claim her as mine. She is my fiance for fuck sake. She was supposed to dance with me and here she is dancing with motherfucker shivansh.

I can't let them dance. I think i need to do something. An idea came into my mind.
I fill my glass with the juice and plastered a smile on my face and went to join them on this floor.

As soon as I reached them, I spilled the juice from the glass on shivansh.

"What the fucking fuck dude" shivansh said releasing the one who belongs to me now.

I wanted to laugh seeing my best friend like this but i pretend like it happened accidentally.

"Omg, sorry bro. I think you need to clean that. Go find the washroom" i said.

"Of course i need to clean the mess. Thanks for creating this memory on your engagement" he said making face.

"Come I'll show you the washroom" my fiance said to him.

"You're not going anywhere" i said before shivansh could say anything.

"Seriously!! You think i would listen to you" she said rolling her eyes and start to leave but i grab her by her hands. Something electric happen in my stomach when i touched her hands.

"What the hell are you doing yamraj"

"Everyone is looking at us. The media is here so we need pretend we are happy together. Umm... We need to dance together" i said not knowing why the fuck now I'm so dying to dance with her.

"Dance with you. Hahahs. Let me go"

"Omg my plan to make you jealous actually work. I gotta go maira. See you later" shivansh said and then left us alone.

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