48. Maira

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He looked shocked. His eyes nearly popped out, his eyebrows touched the ceiling. He look like shock statue.

"Wh.. what is this angel?" He asked.

"I brought you whole store of toys, including dolls" i said.

"Why?" He asked.

I smiled and held his hands.

"Because you loved them in your childhood. I know it's childish but i thought i should buy you these toys and dolls. We can keep one or two dolls with us and we'll donate rest of the toys to needy children in Orphanage" i explained him.

He blink twice. He didn't say anything. He kept looking at me like he wants to say something but couldn't say it.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously.

I have no idea if he liked the idea of me buying him toys. I just wanted to make him happy. He brought me stores of panty and skincare products, i just wanted to surprise him. I know buying dolls for your husband sounds childish but he used to play with them during his childhood and once we become adults we don't get time to relive our childhood. I just want to make him happy. I wanted him to relive his childhood. Sometimes these things gives us nostalgia of our childhood and we enjoy it. I just hope he liked it.

"I don't know what to say angel, but thank you. I mean........ Fuck" he said and all of sudden he hugged me. I wasn't expecting him to hug me. As his body meet mine, i stand still. For some moment i didn't know what to do. Then i took deep breath and hugged him back. The world around us faded for few seconds. He buried his face under my hairs.

"Yamraj" i whisper.


"Everyone is looking at us" i said.

"Let them see, how much we love each other" he said and i smiled. 

"They have seen us loving . Can you please leave my body?" I said.

"Nope. That body belongs to me. I don't want to leave it" He argue like  baby.

"Yamraj" i said.

"Yes baby" he said and my heart passed a beat. Shit, i loved the way he called me baby. I feel butterflies whenever he call me baby.

"We have to go orphanage" i tell him.

"They can wait"

"You are unbelievable"

"Only for you" he said and i shook my head.

Sometimes he act a child and i enjoy whenever he acts like that.

"You guys done" all of sudden i heard someone's voice from behind.

I quickly stand still. Yamraj immediately left me and maintained his composure.

"You guys are grown up. Stop behaving like nibba-nibbi, for fuck sake" the man said.

"We are married" yamraj said.

"That doesn't give you the permission to show your sex life in public place" he said.

"We were hugging, you idiot" yamraj said.

"Whatever, Never do that, here. Assholes" the man said and left us.

It took nearly five minutes to understand whatever happened. We both, the ceo of sharma industry and his wife just got scolded by a random person. I can't believe this.

"Well that was quite a show" yamraj said.

"I can't believe we got scolded by some random dude" i said and shook my head.

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