28. Yuvraj

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My stupid friend send me porn video to teach me about sex. Fucking Shivansh. I couldn't close it when angel came out of bathroom. Thanks to God that my Instagram was running in background otherwise yesterday was my last in this planet.

After i return to India, I'll beat the shit out of my best friend. How stupid he is. What the hell he was thinking when he sent me the video.  My wife was going to kill me and i was about to kiss her again. She didn't stopped me and i couldn't controlled myself.
I feel helpless whenever she is around me.

We have planned to go outside and visit a famous cafe. Basically I'm going on date with my wife and she doesn't even know that.

I'm ready and I'm waiting for her to come out of bathroom so we can go. But she is taking  lots of time.

I opened my phone to call shivansh to ask for some tips. Today I'm gonna tell her about my feelings.

Translation: Today my wife will kick my ass.

I don't know how she is going to react but I can't live with these feelings. I need to tell her.
I was about to call shivansh when the door of bathroom opened and angel came out of it. My breathe nearly stopped. My heart start to beat so fast. She wore red dress. She look so beautiful that I can't even explain that.

I  secretly took her photo from my phone.

Even my camera cannot capture her just way my eyes are capturing her.

"So what do you think" she asked. I didn't said a single word. I have so many emotions running inside me. I want to tell her that she is the most beautiful woman in the world but nothing came out of my mouth. I'm lost for words.

"Say something yamraj or are you waiting for shubh muhurat?" she asked.

So she wants me to compliment her. Of course she wants afterall she is looking stunning.

"Words cannot define how beautiful you are looking" i finally said. Her eyes sparkle in joy. Her face turned red. She is blushing. We looked at each other and she look like she want to hug me because of compliment i gave but she doesn't know my evil intentions. She doesn't know what I'm going to say.

"But numbers can. 0 out of 10" i said and a mischievous smile came on my face. It took her eternity to understand what i said. Her eyes nearly touched the ceiling when she understood what i said. Her eyes filled with anger. I burst into laughter seeing her reaction. I couldn't control myself from laughing. The way her reaction changed, i wish i could have captured it.

"You!!!!! I hate you" she said angrily and she stomped her foot on the floor in anger.

"That was fun" i said. She shook her head and walk past me. Her bare hands touches my hand and my pancreas nearly had heart attract. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I don't how my body will react if i touch any other part of her body.

I sigh and went outside. I saw her sitting in the car and waiting for me.

"Missed me?" I asked her.

"Who are you?" She answered and rolled her eyes. A proud smile appeared on face. I opened the door and sat next to her. The driver started to drive the car. We reached the cafe on time.

As soon as we reached there, i saw it's beautiful but you know ,what's more beautiful than the restaurant? Of course my wife.

We sat on our reserved table. I was about to order but someone closed my eyes with their hands from behind.

"Guess who?" Someone asked.

The voice belong to some female. Is this shivansh? Have he changed his voice?

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