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10 years later:

Yuvraj :

Aarohi beats the shit out of a boy who tries to mess with her. As a father i feel so proud of her, finally she is doing something extraordinary in her school life. Currently i and angel are sitting in principal's office, who is staring at us like we are some criminal. Angel seems worried but i feel proud and happy for whatever she did.

"So what we should do now?" the principal asked.

"We should give her award"
"We should punish her for whatever she did" i and angel together. My eyes touched the ceiling as i heard she thought of punishing my little angel. I'll prefer to die naked rather than punishing my precious daughter. 

"Yamraj" angel whisper and shoot a look. 

"Look, mr. sharma this is the first aarohi has done something like this so we will only suspend her for one week but if she tries to do same thing in future then unfortunately we'll have to suspend her from the school" the principal said. I gritted my teeth, i want to shout loudly but i controlled myself because angel is with me and i don't want to create any drama here.

"Thank you" angel said. Why the hell she is thanking her, i prefer burning her school for suspending my daughter. We got up from the seat and went out of the office. I saw little angel who is sitting quietly on the waiting seat.

"Aarohi, you just got suspended. Don't repeat the same mistake in future, you could have told me about that boy" angel said and i sigh.

"I beat him because he messed me maa, he was asshole to me" little angel said and i hide my proud smile. My daughter is savage and so talented, i am really proud on her.

"Aarohi!! I told you to not use bad words" angel nearly shouted.

"But daddy said only foolish doesn't use bad words" little angel and angel glare at me. I swallowed and innocently smiled. Of course i taught her bad words.

"I am so done with you too" angel said and left us alone. I sat on the floor and held little angel's hand.

"Next time broke their legs if anyone tries to mess with you" i said and we both smiled.

"Mommy is angry go and apologize to her before she decide to leave both of us" she said and i nod. I went outside to find angel, i look around and saw her. She is sitting on a seat, she seems worried. I was going near her that's when my phone vibrates and i take it out from my pocket and saw a message from shivansh, asshole agastya and annika.

 Shivansh: I just heard the news about aarohi. I hope that little shit who tries to mess with her is still alive. If you need any help, i can come there with a bucket of water and we will sink the whole school under water. Tell my future daughter in law that i love her.

Motherfucker. He think that his son will marry my little daughter. I will prefer to live without my dick rather than allowing my daughter to marry his son.

Annika: Please tell aarohi that whatever she did was freaking amazing. I am hoping she will done more extraordinary in future.

Agastya: Is aarohi okay? please take her to doctors if she is injured and send me every information about that shitty little who tries to mess with her. I will talk to him and will sort out everything.

i ignored their messages and shook my head and went near angel, who seems to be angry right now. I went near her and sat on my knees.

"You know what i am still alive?" i asked. She shoot me look and the she opened her mouth.

"Because you breath, eat and poop" she said and a soft chuckle escaped from my mouth.

"Nah, i am still alive because of you angel" i said and she blink and her eyes softened. I held her hands and then opened my smart mouth.

"And now i feel ill because you are angry" i said and she gulp.

"Don't say that" she said.

"Then don't be angry" i said and she rolled her eyes.

"You know you look handso....... umm, i mean beautiful when you are angry" i said and she shook her head.  Okay i need to use my trump card.

"Are you oxygen baby?" i said slowly and this gain her attention. She raised her eyebrows.

"Because i can't live without you, you are like oxygen for me" i said and she smiled. My heart danced as she smiled.

"That was creepy yamraj" she said.

"Still you smiled" i said and she shook her head.

"Aarohi just got suspended, i fe......." she started but i cuts her off.

"I know, but look at the positive side angel, she is brave. She beats that little shit who tries to mess with her,  i know we should not encourage her but whatever she did was fucking amazing, Don't you think?" i said and she sigh.

"I just received a text from shivansh, she said he is proud on his future daughter in law" angel said.

"That motherfucker, ignore him"

"What aarohi is gonna do in this week?" she asked.

"We can go on our 10th honeymoon with little angel" i said she blushed.

"Fuck, my dick is hardened because you blushed" i said. She shook her head and a placed a soft kiss on her hands and that's how we planned our tenth honeymoon.





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