11. Yuvraj

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'What the fuck', this is my reaction.
Marriage is last things in my to do list.
I only kissed her. We didn't do anything.

"What" anjana aunty said.

"What are you saying dad. We can't do this." Agastya said.

My gaze meet the person who is standing like statue not saying a word. She is standing so silent that it scares me. Why is she behaving like this? Why is she not saying anything?

"We don't have any other option. Media has already started to ruin our reputation. They are going to destroy everything. We'll tell them that maira and yuvi are in love and they are getting married this month. That's the only way to get rid of this situation" abhiraj uncle explained.

"I'm not getting married to her" i said angrily.
How can he decide my wife and my life. I don't want to get married now. I have enough work. Getting married will make it worse. Marriage is something that is so pure and I don't want ruin the purity of marriage. I want to marry someone whom i can love and wants to spend my entire life with that person. She is not the one with whom i wants to spend my entire life.

"My sister is also not getting married to you" agastya said.

What is his problem. Few days ago he was thanking me and now he is acting like an ass.

"Getting married to you sister is last thing i want" i replied, directly looking at him.

"Stop it yuvraj. You already created so much mess. You should be ashamed of what you did. I think abhi is right. I did years of hardwork to create the empire where you work now. I don't want to ruin it in few seconds. I think getting married with maira will solve the problem" papa said.

I can't believe he is saying this.
Everyone knows we can't stand each other still they're forcing us to get married. This is torture.

"I'm not getting married to anyone papa. I'm not ruining my career just because i mistakenly kissed a girl".

"She is not just a girl. She is daughter of one of the biggest businessmen in our country. Her career is also in trouble but she is not complaining. This is what i teach you yuvraj. You were not like this beta. Why you did that?" Maa asked.

Of course my family is going to support her. Sometimes i feel they love her more than me.

I was about to answer but suddenly my father fell on ground. I instantly sat down And picked him up from the ground and made him sit on the sofa.

"Rohit you okay?" Abhiraj uncle asked.
I see tears in my mother's eyes. Whenever she sees dad like this,she start to cry. This fucking breaks my heart. I can see anything but seeing my parents like this is the worst thing.

"Papa, take breath" i said sitting next to him.

I see everyone tensed in living room but i don't give flying fuck to anyone except my family. When it's comes to my family, I'll do anything. No matter how much it hurts me. My father held my hand and look at me with his eyes that literally says agree to do whatever he wants.

Translation: marry your enemy.

"I'm fine" he said.

"Drink this water papa" annika said giving him water.

Papa drink the water and sit comfortably on sofa.

"Don't take tension rohit we'll find some other way to get out of this situation" abhiraj uncle said consoling him.

"Is there any other way?" Papa asked raising his voice.
I see at abhiraj uncle. He is silent not saying a single word.

"Exactly. There is no other way. They need to get married otherwise everything will be ruined" he said and then looks at me and held my hand "yuvi tell me will get married to maira?".

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