38. Yuvraj

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She is fucking smart. She is smarter than me. If somebody has said she is smarter than me two months ago i would have punch that person but now I'll praise that person because she is fucking intelligent. My wife is combination of beauty and brain. She knows how to handle every situation. She is amazing. The way she is doing everything. She literally solved my problem. I didn't know that she is so much talented. I have become her fan. She is amazing.

Today we are going to throw the party. I hope everything goes as per the plan. Even if Harper reject our deal again then too I'll be happy because I've my wife who is by my side.

I am ready for the party. I wore indian costume today as per the theme. I am waiting for her to come outside so we can leave downstairs together.

I opened my phone and saw a message from Shivansh's number.

"Please finish your sex session with your wife. People are waiting for you guys. Come downstairs and don't forget to put lipstick on your ass, because you and your ass are literally twins. Love shivansh"


I was reading his message when the door of my room opened and angel came out.The first thing i noticed is ,Red saree, red lipstick, and red bangles. My breath caught in throat. She look so beautiful in this saree. The way the fabric is drape around her each curve, makes me breathless. She started to come towards me. Every step she took makes my heart race fast. All the worries of work disappeared as i looked at her face. I want to tell her that she look like a shiny star today but i am unable to say anything. My jaw dropped, my eyes admired her. I know nothing is perfect except her. She look perfect. She is perfect.

"So what do you think?" She asked and stood in front of me.

"I stopped thinking when i saw you" i said. She blink her eyes twice and her face turned red. She is blushing. I love it when she is blushing.

"Funny. But seriously do you think it look good on me?" She asked.

"You made saree look beautiful by wearing it" i said. She took a breath and smiled. I want to tell her how much i love this saree on her.

"Thank God you complimented me" she said.

"You don't need compliment angel, compliment needs you" i said. I've no idea from where these lines are coming but still i loved sharing it with her.
She shook her head and smiled.

"Okay.. Let's go. Everyone must be waiting for us" she said.

"Yeah" i said.

We went downstairs together. I saw some paparazzi clicking our pictures so i put my hand on angel's shoulder. She shiver as i put my hand on her shoulder.

"Smile angel" i whisper and smiled.

We poss for paparazzi and went to meet our guest. I looked at agastya but he gaze is fixed on my little sister. Fucking asshole. I think i need to beat him first then talk to him. He is irritating as fuck. I clearly told him to stay away from my sister and he is literally looking at my little sister.

"Stop looking at agastya like you want to have babies with him" all of sudden i heard Shivansh's voice.

"For fuck sake, can you stop your shitty mouth for once" i said.

"But you were looking at him" he said.

"Because he was looking at annika"

"And you were looking at him. Is there some triangle love going on between you guys" he asked with raised eyebrows.
I shoot him death glare.

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