Chapter 21

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Furie stepped into the library, the quiet ambiance disrupted by the sight of a chaotic corner where Leaf and Rain were deeply engrossed in their research. Piles of books teetered on the verge of collapse, creating an intricate maze around the two Guardians. The scattered tomes were like precariously balanced towers, threatening to unleash a cascade of knowledge upon Leaf and Rain. Books seemed to have a life of their own in this corner, with a few flying or gently raining down on the diligent researchers. The room echoed with the rustle of pages and the occasional thud of a book finding its place on the floor. Despite the apparent chaos, there was an air of focused determination about the scene.

Leaf and Rain were surrounded by a sea of open books, each page holding a piece of the puzzle they sought to solve. The Guardians were on a mission, delving into the depths of the library's vast collection to unearth information about the shadow creatures, the Obscure world, and Guardians' telepathic link. Furie couldn't help but smile at the sight. The messy and lively corner of the library reflected the fervor with which Leaf and Rain approached their research. The two men were oblivious to the outside world, immersed in the pursuit of knowledge.

Approaching them with a soft step, Furie observed the scene with amusement. It was a snapshot of determination, curiosity, and the relentless pursuit of understanding – qualities that defined the two men in their quest to comprehend the mystical realm they called home.

As Furie approached the chaotic corner of the library, Leaf and Rain remained completely absorbed in their research, engrossed in the world of tomes and scrolls that surrounded them. It wasn't until Furie's cheerful greeting, "Hi, guys!" that the two men finally looked up from their studies. Leaf, wearing a warm smile, gently placed his book on the side and rose from his seated position. He walked over to Furie and greeted her with a soft kiss, his curiosity evident in his eyes. "Tell me everything! How was Ignatius?" he inquired, eager to hear the details of Furie's meeting with her newfound father. Furie, not one to keep anyone waiting, launched into a lively account of her day, recounting the meeting with Ignatius, the revelations about their family, and the mysterious messages from Guaya's crystal. Leaf listened attentively, absorbing every detail with genuine interest. Meanwhile, Rain closed the book he had been studying, his attention shifting from the written word to Furie's animated storytelling. He joined the conversation as Furie finished her account of the day's events, nodding along with a smile.

Once Furie had shared all the details, she turned the conversation toward the messages her and Blaze had sent to their friends. "Did you guys receive our spheres?" she asked, seeking confirmation. "Yes, we did. And I already found something in this book for you," Rain replied, reaching for a particular tome he had set aside. With a swift motion, he handed the book to Furie and pointed to a specific page, indicating where she should direct her attention.

Furie eagerly accepted the book handed to her by Rain, her fingers grazing the aged pages. His long finger pointed towards the middle of the page, guiding her to the passage that held a potential key to understanding the mysterious crystal. As Furie started reading, her eyes fixated on a drawing that resembled the crystal Blaze possessed. The lines of text next to the drawing unveiled a fascinating revelation – the crystal could be created by a Guardian with a special gift. Specifically, a Guardian who had developed an aptitude for seeing the future or pieces of tomorrow. Furie's eyes widened with realization as she delved deeper into the information presented on the page. She absorbed the details of the process, the intricacies of crafting a crystal that held visions of the future. The knowledge was both enlightening and mysterious, sparking a curiosity within Furie that only grew with each passing word.

When she finally looked up from the page, Rain and Leaf were patiently awaiting her insights. But Rain, ever eager to share his findings, spoke up immediately. "We think maybe Anna Cyclone would know more about the crystal and how to 'use' it." Furie nodded in agreement, her mind connecting the dots. Anna Cyclone, the Air Guardian she had encountered a year ago, was known for her proficiency in prophecy. It was Cyclone who had penned the book of prophecies containing the Duel of Prophecy involving Blaze and Furie. The Air Guardian's expertise seemed like a valuable resource in deciphering the mysteries of the crystal. "Anna Cyclone," Furie repeated, the name resonating with significance. The prospect of seeking Cyclone's guidance in unraveling the secrets of the crystal now became a tangible path forward.

With the revelation from Rain's findings and the potential connection to Cyclone, Furie suggested, "Tomorrow, we should pay a visit to Cyclone. She might have more insights into the crystal and how to use it." Her friends, nodding in agreement, voiced their approval. A sense of purpose filled the air as Furie shared a plan for the next day. Furie, feeling the urgency to share the newfound information with her sister, quickly conjured a message sphere. Her fingers danced with elemental energy as she relayed the details of what she had learned and set a meeting point for the next day. Blaze needed to bring the crystal with her, so she could show it to Cyclone.

Once the message was sent, Leaf shifted the discussion toward the Obscure world. He expressed his concern about the limited information Guardians possessed about the shadow creatures. Behind him, a small pile of three books hinted at the depth of his research. Leaf shared the crucial information he had gathered: the frequency of attacks by Shadow creatures had increased, and their strength seemed to be growing. Furie listened intently as he explained that there existed a hierarchy in the Obscure world, with Shadow creatures situated at the bottom. This revelation hinted at a level of organization and direction behind the attacks, raising questions about the orchestrator lurking in the shadows.

Furie's mind raced with possibilities as she recalled Ignatius mentioning his own library. Eager to explore every avenue in their quest for knowledge about the Obscure world, she shared, "Ignatius told me he has his own library in his home. There might be some information about the Obscure world there. It's worth checking out." Leaf, always open to new possibilities, nodded in agreement. "It doesn't hurt to try," he remarked, acknowledging the potential value of exploring Ignatius's personal collection of knowledge. With determination in her eyes, Furie wasted no time. She conjured a message sphere addressed to her dad, explaining what she had learned about the Obscure world and expressing her hope that he might have additional information in his library. As she finished composing the sphere, she looked up at Rain and Leaf. "Alright. You have done a great job today, guys. Thank you for doing all these researches," Furie praised her friends, recognizing the effort they had put into unraveling the mysteries surrounding the shadow creatures.

Rain, however, raised a finger in a playful gesture, signaling that he had something more to add. His mischievous smile hinted at an unexpected twist in their day of research, leaving Furie and Leaf curious about what he had in store for them.

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