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Yn was walking through the road side after attending her classes. It was a bit dark outside.
Yn told the gaurds that she'll go home by herself.

Yn's pov

I was walking alone on the road looking up at the sky. Just then, I heard car horns behind me. I move to road side letting the car go, but the car stops and someone came out of the car....
WAIT..!! WHAT? ISN'T IT JUNGKOOK?? Wtff....why is he here? He said he'll be back within 2 days but..but it's been just one day. Ahhh...he gonna kill me for sure!! Gaurds are not with me!

Jungkook was looking at me so rudely, with his scary still beautiful eyes....

"What are you doing here? At this time alone?" He asked, with his cold, rude tone making me shiver. "I...i had evening c-classes" i said, lowing my head. "How many fucking times should I warn you to take gaurds with you huh? You even don't know to care about yourself!" Jungkook shouted again. I saw silent for a second..when I was about to speak, jungkook ordered me to get inside the car. And I did it.

20 minutes later, I've reach home, well to say mansion!...
Jungkook went to his room angrily.

Yn pov ends~


Taehyung is turning 24 tomorrow so, his dad thought to throw a party! taehyung's dad had already invited his friend including yn without taehyung knowing. Just become he wants his son to be surprised.

Yeonjun, Lisa, Kai and rose was also invited for taehyung's birthday party. Rose and Kai were planning something new to bully yn on the party....


Yn was not sure that jungkook will let her go for the party but she has to go or else taehyung will be sad.

Yn went to jungkook's room, to ask if he'll let yn go or not.

She was standing outside of jungkook's room thinking should she go in or not. Then, she thought to go in.

Knock, knock

"Come in" jungkook said, coldly.

"Um..j-jungkook" i said.

"Hmm...what do you want?" Jungkook asked yn.

"Tomorrow is my friend's b-birthday, so c-can I go for his bir-" jungkook didn't let yn complete her words, and said..

"You are not going anywhere!, now get lost from here" jungkook said rudely.

Yn's eyes where about to get filled with her tears...


"Look yn, ONCE I SAID, YOU are not GOING ANYWHERE!" Jungkook shouted at yn.

Yn left from jungkook's room crying., jungkook's father noticed it and asked yn what happen.

Yn actually don't wanna share it to her father-in-law but then she said everything.

So jungkook's father went to jungkook and talk to him about it, at first jungkook didn't accept it at all.. then, by his father's force jungkook let her go. Still jungkook was angry on yn.


Yn was getting ready for taehyung's birthday party. Yn wore a black - party wear. And a light make-up.

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